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[ I published all my chapters that one day so I can sorta enjoy myself and work on the story easier ]

[Milo's Pov]

Okay listen, I didn't hurt his leg intentionally. I'm not going to hurt him like that! I'm all for killing but not for causing long pain, that's stupid I know. But really, I hope he's okay.. not that I care about him really! Anyway, I asked a store owner what I should do and she recommended some bandages that brought later on, Gale had to stay on the horse so he wouldn't get hurt. I feel terrible that he doesn't get to see this little area, it's for people that are traveling but still.

Then, I saw some flowers that I remember seeing somewhere.. right! I remember looking through his bookbag and finding a small list of flowers. Not sure if I mentioned it but yeah! I don't think he has these, they're a little expensive. He looks so sad though, I'll buy em. A bouquet is about 20 gold pieces, but I'm sure I have enough to buy future meals. I purchased one and quickly headed back, "Gale? I saw these flowers and uhm.." I tried to find a reason that wasn't suspicious but when I looked at him he looked so happy! He smiled and held them proudly in his hands, "THANK YOUU!" He put them in his bag gently and squealed, cute. I smiled at him slightly and he jumped at me and hugged me tightly! His leg's gonna get worse, I thought. I caught him and made sure his leg was fine, "Be careful damn it! I know cat's land on their feet but jeez."

He did something that was a bit weird. He wrapped his arms around my neck and sorta.. cuddled me? It felt nice. Until I remembered his leg, I sat him down gently on a small hay bale and checked his leg carefully. He winced at every small touch, poor thing. I wrapped a bandage on it and sat next to him, he's a strong fellow. He is childish still, he held my hand and smiled at me a bit. He laid on my lap- HE WHAT. My jaw dropped. But he didn't seem to care, he rolled over a took a nap. I guess he didn't sleep so well, I gently brushed his fur. I hate him I hate him I hate him.. I tried to convince myself but it wouldn't work.

I sighed and told him we had to keep moving, he complained the whole time I carried him and put him back on the horse. He's such a baby, I told him that we could find a garden later on and we could explore it. He asked if we could eat a bit before leaving, I gave him an apple and his slowly ate it it. As we both ate I sorta, watched him. He smiled as he read the book he pulled out, he's gorgeous I swear.. he had some fluffiness on his chest and white body marks that fit perfectly with his lovely yellow coat.

I wonder what he's reading.

[Gale's Pov]

Oh how I wish my father planted a garden at the castle! I would've actually stayed if he had, but I need to choose the flowers if he does. I really wanted to do something besides studying at the castle but no one let me, I'm happy with what I have now but.. is Milo staring at me? I took a quick glance and he kinda was, I'm not too worried about it. He's so mysterious, he's so awkward when he tells me about himself. His fur looks so soft! I decided to see if it was and pat his head, I love his snow white hair! He looks old with it though hehe. He stared at me surprised the whole time, he just froze. Shit. "Earth to Milo? Hello? You okay?" He finally reacted and he moved my hand slowly, he was still holding it before realizing and he let go. Awkward. "AHEM- LETS JUST GO." He looked freaked out. Jeez was that sensitive to him? I should apologize later..

After a few hours of riding everywhere, he decided we should make camp! He always has good timing. My leg was starting to bother me and my head was heavy, I'm tired. As he set up the tents I noticed he was a bit distracted.. he set up the fire and continued with the other tent. He reached for something and the tent collapsed into the fire- OH FUCK! "MILO THE FIRE BE CAREFUL!" he quickly realized and I tossed him a bucket and he fetched some water and put it out, once it was completely out he sat down and sighed. "Sorry. I'm a bit.. I don't know." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear, I yawned a bit though.. I could feel myself.. falling asleep..

[No Pov]

Milo took a few minutes to relax before getting up and gently taking Gale off the Horse, it would be too cold for him to sleep out the tent. So he buckled up and laid next to Gale, he didn't notice how close he was until he opened his eyes and looked at the "Angel" Infront of him. He couldn't help but gently caress Gale's face, He didn't know what it was about him but he loved it. He felt the cold breeze and quickly put a blanket over them both, and hugged Gale close. He must protect the prince, and bring him back safely. That's the mission.

To Bring Him Back Home.

[ Sorry it's short it's 10:40 rn so I'm kinda empty. ]

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