Chapter 11

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After the six people moved into the wooden house, they first did a house tour and then divided the rooms. Finally, after the group activities were over, everyone went back to their own room to wash up.

Lisa lay on the bed for a while after showering and changed into pajamas. Their cell phones were taken away in the afternoon, and now only the sponsor's cell phone was issued for them to use.

After watching video for a while, Lisa's stomach started to growl with hunger.

They all arrived in the afternoon, reasonably dinner should be settled by the house, but the "evil" program apparently will not prepare any food for them, so after everyone is busy returning to their own room, the dinner thin is delayed.

Lisa originally wanted to put up with it but the later it got the more hungry she became....she carefully thought about it, when she looked around the kitchen before, there seemed to be some food in the refrigerator. Si she quickly put on her coat and sneaked out of the room.

Her room is on the third floor of the house, and the kitchen is on the first floor. When she went downstairs, she happened to bump into Bae Suzy on the second floor.

"Lisa, are you going downstairs too" It's already late at night, and Suzy was wearing a nightgown, however she is still in full makeup!

Lisa's heart shriveled up, oh no, she just took a shower and had already removed her make-up. They will be compared in front of the camera: The other party was beautiful, while she look like a noodle in clear soup.

She will definitely get scolded by her agent again.

But it's also not right for her to go back now, so Lisa had no choice but to greet her: "I'm a little hungry, I want to find something to eat".

Suzy's eyes lit up: "Me too, I only had breakfast this morning, and didn't eat lunch, I'm currently starving to death".

Lisa: "That's right, let's go together".

"Yeah, okay"

The two went downstairs side by side, but when they reached the first floor, they heard some noise coming from the kitchen.

The two stared at each other and went to the kitchen door together. Only then did they find that Sehun was standing inside, holding a kitchen knife while rustily cutting broccoil.

Hearing footsteps, Sehun also turned his head to look over.

The three of them looked at each other.

But Sehun only froze for two or four second, and soon showed a smile, "I am very hungry, but too embarrassed to call you guys, so I come to the kitchen to find something to eat. Are you hungry too?"

Oh Sehun indeed deserved to be the hottest idol in the past two years. With such a smile, you can see the lights in the kitchen glowing.

Lisa is not familiar with him, and she has always reminded herself that she can't let the crew edit their CP, so she doesn't know what to say for a while. On the contrary, Suzy was very enthusiastic, she immediately walked over when she saw him cutting the broccoil, "We all came to the kitchen because we were hungry. I didn't expect Teacher Oh to already be here. What are you going to do".

"Just call me Sehun" Sehun said with a smile, "I just want to cook something to eat casually, but the truth is I'm not very good at it".

In this kind of variety show, diligence will always be praised.

As soon as Suzy heard this, she wanted to show herself off, "I'm not too good at it either, but let me help you, it'll be a hard work if you do it alone".

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