Another Two Stars Added to the Green Sky

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After getting to school, Izuku and Izumi sat in the back of the class like they usually did. They just kept their heads down, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves. Sure, they did have a quirk now, but if they said anything about it they'd be taken to the quirk doctor. They weren't exactly sure if a doctor could tell their quirk was artificially created but they didn't want to test it. 

Class continued on as Izuku and Izumi were thinking to themselves, planning their next moves. They need to take Shoto and Katsumi's quirks then after that they can ki- defeat... Overhaul, copy his quirk, and rescue Eri. 

Izuku was starting to get annoyed. He had no idea what he wanted to do after they saved Eri. "If only I could talk to Izumi about this but there's too many people around for us to talk about what we're going to do with Overhaul." As Izuku thought this he closed his eyes with a sigh in exasperation. 

What Izuku didn't see was Izumi suddenly sitting straight in her seat, a look of shock on her face. "What the! What was- it sounded like... Izuku!?"

Izuku suddenly jolted up, eyes wide in shock. "Did I just hear Izumi? No she didn't say anything, then... DID I HEAR HER IN MY MIND!?" He turned to face his sister to see a dawning realization on her face. Izuku was in shock, he needed to test this. Izumi if you can hear me raise three fingers, he told his sister. 

Still in shock at what was happening, Izumi raised three fingers. They were both in shock about what just happened. They read each others minds. "This is incredible!" They  both thought. 

The twins proceeded to spend the nest ten minutes till class started testing out their twin telepathy by discussing exactly how they got this ability. Within a few minutes they came up with a theory about how their twin telepathy works and learned some things about it through some quick tests. 

Their leading theory is that it has to deal with their shared quirk, more specifically, their shared mindscape. Their theory was that they were somehow sending their thoughts into the mindscape where the other would then hear it. They also learned what kind of telepathy they had. It wasn't the kind where they can always hear each others thoughts. Instead, they learned that to share thoughts they needed to want the other one to hear their thoughts. They also learned that it wasn't just thoughts they could send across but images and feelings as well. They ended up spending some time before class started planning how to copy Shoto and Katsumi's quirks with a shared imagination. 

Eventually Shoto and Katsumi came into class and, like usual, they came to give Izuku and Izumi their daily beating. Up until this point they never fought back against Shoto or Katsumi. They just didn't see a point in it. They tried in the past, before they got their training, and they both knew that it was pointless. If they failed Shoto and Katsumi would just beat them harder. If they succeeded the school would just punish them for "starting fights with two innocent children." Neither of them could tell you how many times they'd had dreams of killing their principal for those times. 

This time however things were different. They kept their backpacks on, planning for a quick exit, out the window if they had to. Their plan was fairly simple, wait for Katumi and Shoto to attack them, pretend their defending themselves, copy their quirks when they had the chance, hope no one notices, then run as fast as they can. Where, they had no idea, but as long as they could get far enough away from the school they would accept anything. They just needed to make sure they don't get caught. 

Their plan went off almost perfectly. When they showed up they went straight for Izuku and Izumi, just as expected. Shoto pulled Izuku up by his collar, giving Izuku ample time to grab him and copy his quirk before shoving him off. Katsumi, seeing her partner in crime attacked, fought back. Izumi took her out quickly by predicting her attack, the same right hook she always used, and flipped her over her head, copying her quirk in the process. While the class was stunned, including Shoto and Katsumi, Izuku and Izumi ran out the door and down the street away from the school. Once they thought they escaped they ran into an alley to catch their breath. 

As Izuku desperately gasped for air he shakily raised his right hand in front of himself. He thought about Katsumi's quirk and soon felt little pops appear in his hand. He looked over to see Izumi doing the same thing with Shoto's quirk, fire appearing on her left side while ice appeared on her right. Suddenly Izuku had a thought, could they use the same quirk at the same time. He tried to use Shoto's quirk only to find that he couldn't. He quickly told Izumi of his discovery and after another test they confirmed it. They couldn't use a quirk the other was using. 

After learning that little bit of information about their quirk they realized something. They never took any notes on their own quirk. It'd been a hobby for the both of them, they always liked quirks and wanted to know more about them. Now that they had their own they didn't even bother to make any records about it, not to mention that it was the first artificially created quirk in existence. With that, they quickly got to work making notes about everything they knew about their quirk. 

User: Izuku and Izumi Yagi

Quirk Name: 

This stopped them for a moment as they had to make a name for their quirk. After some discussion they decided to name it after One For All and All For One as AFO similar to their quirk and OFA was where their quirk came from. Eventually they decided on- 

Quirk Name: CF2 (Copy For Two)

Quirk Type: Emitter


At it's base the quirk is a copy quirk, an extremely powerful copy quirk. While touching any individual with their palm, the user can copy the individual's quirk with no known time limit. It should be noted that while copying a quirk a "green vortex light" appears from the user's palm. It is not currently known if there's quirks the users can't copy. 

The complexities of the quirk come from the two part of the name. CF2 does not belong to just one user, it belongs to two. The reason behind this is believed because it comes from One For All, a self transferring quirk, that thanks to Izuku and Izumi's intervention was modified and somehow transferred to two individuals instead of one. 

CF2 gives it's users a shared mindscape wherein there is a green "sun" which seems to be a representation of One For All. It's believed that other quirks will appear in this mindscape as they're copied but this has yet to be proven. While in this shared mindscape the users are essentially gods over their environment. They are able to make anything and it acts as the user expects it to act. 

On a similar note to the shared mindscape, the users of CF2 also gain a form of telepathy between users. This tepelathy only works when a user is intent on sending their thought, images, or imagination to the other user. The current their is that these thoughts somehow pass through the mindscape from one user to another. This, however, requires more testing. 

A notable weakness of CF2 is that while when one user copys a quirk, the other can also use it, they cannot use any quirk at the same time. For one user to use a quirk, the other cannot use that quirk. This isn't as much of a problem as all this means is that the users will just need to rely on separate quirks. 

Current quirks: Small Object Attraction, Half-Hot & Half-Cold, Explosions 

That was all the notes Izuku and Izumi could make currently with the information they had. They still knew so little about their quirk, if anything this excited them more. There was still so much for them to learn about their quirk. Sadly for them, they didn't have time to do anything with this information. They needed to go and stop Overhaul and save Eri. They might never be real heroes, but they'd settle for being hers. 

A/N: Quick question, should I make it so that the quirks copied are stronger than the original? I mean, the quirk is based on One For All which enhances the user's quirks. I don't plan on giving them access to One For All's strength, at least not for a while, so this should be fine. 

Oh, and yes this is definitely going to be an Izuku x Izumi story. I just haven't done anything with it since they're both still young and emotionally repressed. I plan to wait a while for them to realize their feelings for each other are not just sibling love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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