How Did We Get Here? (REWRITTEN)

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Izuku and Izumi looked at each other and hugged each other for what could be the last time. In their hands, they both held a vial of blood. This blood however wasn't any ordinary blood. This was the modified blood of the number 1 hero, All Might. It was still a human cell but the quirk genes were modified and combined with those of another.

To understand this story, we need to start at the beginning. At some point in his life, All Might decided to settle down and have a family. He married a woman named Inko Midoriya, now named Inko Yagi, and had children. A pair of twins a girl, and a boy named Izumi and Izuku Yagi respectively. For 4 years those two children had a great life. Sadly, as they say, all great things must come to an end.

When they were 4 they went to the doctor and both of them were diagnosed quirkless. That was the day everything changed. Their parents started to care about them less. They obviously cared about their safety, but they never cared to shield them from the newly revealed darkness of the world. It was as if they believed that since they were quirkless they were bound to get hurt and there was nothing they could do about it.

Things weren't any better at school for them either. When they told their friends that they were quirkless they were bullied almost daily. Katsumi and Shoto, the people who promised to always be by their side turned on them in an instant. They didn't understand why, but they were quick learners.

It didn't take long to realize that weren't their friends, not anymore. That was the walls around their hearts were made. With every bruise or cut, they retreated further into themselves. Even with this revelation of what their friends had become they still held out hope for their parents. They were their parents, they cared about them. They must care about them... right?

They were once again proven to be wrong. While their parents did help them whenever they came home from school with bruises and cuts across their bodies, they never did anything to fix it. They barely did anything for them despite obviously knowing they were hurt and in pain. The two of them felt so alone, but they took solace in the idea that at least they were together in this isolation. That's the day they decided that if their parents weren't going to notice them, they'd just have to make them.

They weren't going to do anything wrong, no that's what villains do, and despite everything, they still wanted to be heroes. Instead, they went the opposite. They became what can be best described as "perfect children." In all their school years they never got anything lower than an A-, and that was rare for them. They were the closest prodigies in that school.

Still, though, it wasn't enough. Try as they might, they couldn't get their parents to see them as anything other than weak quirkless children without any hope for a future. As a result, they grew colder over time. As their minds expanded, their hearts shrank. It was easier this way. If they never let anyone get close to them, they'd never have to worry about someone hurting them like that again.

At that time they both came to an unspoken decision. They couldn't trust anyone but each other. With that revelation, they started spending more time with each other and avoided anyone else. The time they were alone together was the only time they had where they could truly be kids. They'd play together, eat together, and even sleep together.
A/N: Not like that you pervert!

They learned at a young age that the only people they could trust to see who they really were were each other. Everyone else only saw them for that one word from a single test when they were 4 years old.

With that life, for the most part, was good. Sure they were still bullied by their old friends and their parents still saw them as useless children, but they had each other. That was all they really needed.

That was until one day when they were 8 when Izuku randomly asked his sister, "What if we could make our own quirks?" 

They had been laying on their shared bed, which was really two twin-sized beds put together, reading middle school-level content. They were already 8 years old, an age where most parents would have given their children separate rooms. Inko and Toshinori were never very attentive parents, not that either of them could complain.

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