Chapter 32 - Where are you?

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I stared down at the sparkling ring Michael had given me. The beauty of it, was beyond me. I knew it wasn't a proposal ring, but it still made me feel like he was in this for real. That he would never leave me. The feeling put a smile on my face. 

What was supposed to happen between me and him, was beyond me. Mom still wouldn't accept us, and dad probably never would either. Sometimes I wonder how I would have reacted if it was my child whom met someone with such an age-gap, a family-friend even. I don't think I would react the same. Yes, it is a huge thing to deal with for everyone, but if it's real love, I wouldn't want to be the one who ruined them. Unless it was totally out of line.

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly I hear my mom says, interrupting my thoughts. I turn around, startled. "Nothing. Just - nothing" I say, thinking how suspicious that must have sounded.

"Well, I just wanted to say good night" She smiles. I would have expected her to interrogate me more about what I was checking out. But I am very glad she didn't.

"Good night" I answer. She sends me another smile before leaving my room, closing the door behind her. 

For a second I just stand still thinking about my mom. Just like earlier, I really would have thought she would ask me more about the trip as well. 

As I lay in bed, I imagine all the possible scenarios in the future. I could come clean to my dad as well, and even the outcome, me and Michael would have to accept that. I only want to be with him, as crazy as it seems, even if that meant losing touch with my family. But this strong feeling I have for him, burning inside of me - I have never felt that way about anyone. And I think I never will.

I pick up my phone to text him. At the same time noticing not a single text or call for him.

"I'm so glad we took this trip Michael. I cannot wait to see you again" 

I had not heard from him since we arrived home, which I found a little bit strange. Normally I would have gotten some sort of text.

I waited around an hour, not being able to sleep because he had not replied yet. I check the time. It wasn't even that late. But maybe he had fallen asleep when he got home. He must have been tired. 

I close my eyes trying to fall asleep. I could check upon him tomorrow.


After leaving my home to go to school, I make my way over to Michael's house. When I woke up, I noticed how he still had not replied to my text. So, I sent another one - A good morning text, without any luck yet. A worrying feeling was starting to build up.

I reached his house. It felt quieter, and looked like nobody was home. I walked up to his front door, knocked a few times, and rang the doorbell - But nothing. Was he maybe still asleep? 

This did not make sense - He should have been getting ready for work now. Where could he be? He had not texted me all day, which to me was really odd behavior. We used to text at least every day. I would expect so after this weekend as well. My stomach turned slightly at his whereabouts. Maybe he had gotten cold feet and went away for a few days? 

A single tear fell down my cheek. Could it be he left me just like this? 

I took a stroll around his house, noticing how all of his lights were off. It looked empty. My hand trembled as I fetched for my phone and tried calling him. To my big surprise, it went straight to voice mail. I texted him instead, three little words as "Where are you?". 

And to my surprise - he never replied.

A/N - Enjoy xo

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