What am I fighting for?

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After the bandit duo return to base, Belle can't help but wonder... Was that really him?


Belle has been pacing back and forth for awhile now... Is something the matter with her? I can't help but wonder if it was because of that young man.


"What? Do ya need something?"

"No, it's not that. You've been acting strangely today. Could it help to tell me what's the matter?"

"Fine... "

She sat down near our indoor campfire (apparently safe to use).

"It's about him. That sheriff from before. At first, he looked like one of those classic gunslingers, but after seeing him in the light... Sam, is he actually gone?"

I sighed...

I don't know what to say, it's been so long since we spoke of Colt. Our beloved son...

It was a long time ago... We just came back to our old base. There was fire everywhere, our son was still so young during that time. He vanished and we didn't know where he went.

Then, I remember that I heard another horse galloping away from the area. Perhaps whoever was the person on the horse could have been the one to set the fire... And maybe he...

"Belle, it's okay." as I embrace my beloved wife.

"Maybe, he's still out there. I'm not sure, but I feel like he is."

"Do you think that..."

"Well, we could try to find that man again. Who knows? Maybe..."

"He's our little boy?"

Our cuddle became tighter

"Yeah, I hope so too... "

The two cuddle up and head in for the night...

Meanwhile, in Gunpoint Canal, everyone is asleep in their cosy cabins. But in the sheriff's office, nothing seems like rest to a gunslinger. In fact, it was worst than a scolding...

Colt POV

This just feels bad... My whole body hurts...

"You let them get away!? What were you thinking!!!"

Chief threw another punch at my stomach. I was seeing lights all over.

"Ack!!! Stop! Please... I... I..."

Without hesitation, Chief landed the final blow to my head.

It was so strong that I fell down and laid there prone.

I couldn't get up.

"Your lucky that you were given this position, and since we are in a civilized town, I won't take your badge...yet. "

I just wanted to know who they are. That man and woman... Why do they seem familiar? Just why?

"Your dismissed for the night. Think about what you did... Dammit... "

The devil has finally left me alone... I'm glad about that.

I picked myself up and walked slowly towards my cabin. I laid down back first on my bed. Everything still hurts.

"Chief... What's wrong with him? Sure, I let those bandits escape. And yeah, most of the bank's goods are as good as gone... But it's not really my fault. If he let me investigate the train crash and HE stays at the town, this wouldn't have happened... "

I clenched my fist as I started to get angry.

"Tomorrow, I'll look for those bandits... I'll show him that I'm just as good as he is. Just you wait... "

But... Do I really want to hurt them? I don't want to be just like Chief...

What Ma's Gonna DoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora