Day 3 : Old County Home

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The wild west... What a place to be! Full of action, sites to see. What a better place to be
if you wish to do a little bit of... Crime...

That's what being a bandit is all about, stealing stuff, living live to the fullest. Out there, over yonder, lies a camp. The cozy place seems friendly and not that much of a old shack... But, who does it belong too?

Belle POV

This is great! Another heist accomplished. If this keeps up, I would be rolling in money!

Well, by me, I meant me and the love of my life. He's not too shabby. He's smart, strong, apparently likes to eat a lot of my chili when I'm not looking... But he's the one the I fell head over heels for, on that day we met...

"Belle! Whatcha doing? Bet it's another one of those heists, No?"

I flinched, "Sam! Don't sneak up on a lady like that, jeez... "

"Hehe, sorry there. I can't help but being your center of attention. "

"Well, if you're gonna be like that, I suggest you clean up the place while I plan out this next heist. It's going to be our biggest one yet!"

Sam was excited, "Oh, do tell! I wanna hear this."

I laughed for a bit, "Clean up first, then you get to hear the plan."

Sam laughed back. He's always like this, tolerating my behavior, even if I make him do all the work. But at times, I would help him too, like how he did for me long ago.

Okay, enough talk. Time to plan that heist.

What Ma's Gonna DoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora