"You must've been scared"

"Had its moments"

"Those who practice magic know only evil. They despise and seek to destroy goodness wherever they find it. Which is why she wanted you dead. She is evil" I frowned at Uther's words. It is sad to think that this is how he raised Arthur, to hate all things magic.

"Sounds as if you know her"

"I do. To know the heart of one sorcerer is to know them all. You did the right thing. Even though you were disobeying me. I'm proud of you, Arthur, never forget that" At least he is a half decent father. Uthur patted his son's shoulder and made his way back into the castle.

"How are you holding up?" Arthur jumped not expecting to see me immediately to his right. I gave him a soft look; I know that the whole ordeal had its toll on him, whether he admits it or not.

"I'm fine" he tightened his lips into a thin line before continuing, almost as if considering if what he was about to say was worth it,"Actually... I've been thinking about the caves and that girl. You said you recognized her from the banquet?" He turned to lean his elbows against the wall.

"Yeah, I saw her just before carrying pillows and blankets, and again at the banquet when she asked to speak with Merlin alone" He seemed to be stuck in his head as I talked,"Arthur" I placed my hand on his lower arm,"What's on your mind, really?"

"I just don't understand why she didn't finish us off, she had us cornered and it wouldn't have taken much to do so" He wonders why he spared him. I guess that shouldn't be too much of a shock given he was always told that magic users are all pure evil embodied.

"I don't know, Arthur. I am just grateful she didn't. We were able to save Merlin's life without the cost of either of ours. Maybe she... had a moment of empathy and decided to give us a small chance of survival. She is human after all, we have empathy in us. Some just chose not to act on it"

"Perhaps... You did great out there" Did Prince Arthur just give me a complement? I smiled widely at the comment.

"Thank you, Sire," I teased. He gazed at me like he had many times since I've been here and I've yet to discover the meaning of that look he gives me. It's this intense yet soft gaze into my eyes, his eyebrows slightly lowered, eyes slightly closed, and the rest of his face blank. Arthur held eye contact with me as if he was staring into my soul- I snapped out of it and gazed towards the roaring fields that lay just beyond the beautiful citadel and town. Gwen is who he is meant to be with, his once and future queen. I can't let myself see him as anything more than a friend; he can't have any feelings towards me. "I should be heading back. I need to check on Merlin and see if Gaius needs anything. I see you later, sire"

He frowned at me calling him 'sire' this time,"You have no need to call me that. Just Arthur...please" I froze, I don't know how to respond to that. Why was he so hurt by me addressing him formally? I just nodded before making my way towards the Physician's chambers.

"Carly!" He pulled me down to sit with him on the bench as he hugged me. To which I gladly obliged.

"Mer, you were the one who nearly died. Why so relieved to see me?" I gave him a silly look as I feigned suspicion," Did you miss me while I was locked up?"

"I hadn't seen you since I woke up... I was worried that maybe something happened to you. Gaius told me what you and the Prat did and how it landed you in the dungeon"

"Well, the King was furious with his son and angered that I aided him in it. Arthur managed to keep me from getting a worse sentence from his father but it very well could have ended in me being put in the stocks or worse" Merlin and I spent the next hour catching up as he ate his soup and soaked in all of the details of my 'quest' with the Prince. I got Merlin another serving of soup just as I heard the knocking at the door. Gaius opened the door to reveal the prince.

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