A new Life

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Spoiler warning: this chapter contains spoilers from "A new Boy in Berk" I recommend reading that story before reading this

How should I start this? I guess I should introduce myself first but there are not too many things to say, I'm just one more dragon on this terrible nest ruled by a tyrannical queen

My species? well, I'm a male Skrill

Yes, a Skrill, one of the most feared dragons, however I've been reduced to nothing but a slave of the queen just like the other dragons of the nest, somehow, she is able to control us and there's nothing we can do about it

Sometimes I wish I could escape from this torture with my friend, he is a Night Fury, we've known each other for a while, even before arriving here but that's a story for another time

Also, us dragons don't have names, we use our scents to recognize ourselves between the same members of our species

Now, what are the things that make life here so bad? well, first: the queen most of the time is hungry and the fact that she is a gigantic dragon known as Red Death doesn't help at all, so we have to get her a big amount of food or else she'll eat us without thinking it twice

Second: since we have to get her food all the time, she sends some dragons to attack an island inhabited by humans who will kill any dragon they see

Third: if we try to escape, the queen will feel it somehow and take full control of us for a moment to force us to return, then she'll eat the deserter as a punishment, that's why me and my friend can't fly away when we get the chance

If you live here, you'll have the constant fear of being able to die at any second, the only thing that I thank from here is that I'm not part of the attacks to the human island

I'll explain, like I said, the queen sends some dragons to attack the human island to get food but she didn't make me part of them, because I'm a Skrill, she knows that I have a destructive power because my species is able to manipulate lightnings

That's why along with some dragons I'm in charge of protecting the nest from any intruders that might come it doesn't matter if they're humans or dragons that could do a great damage to the queen

However, my Night Fury friend wasn't so lucky, thanks to his dark scales it's hard to see him in the night sky, that's why he's perfect for the attacks

Right now, it's night time and I'm flying around the nest to see if the dragons that the queen send to the human island are returning, I didn't have to wait long because I saw how they started to approach the nest,

Then, I flew back at the inside of the nest to inform the queen what I saw

"My queen, the dragons that you send have returned" I said as I bowed with respect

"Good, they've better have brought enough food, I'm starving" the queen said

Minutes later from my place at the nest I saw how the dragons started to give food for the queen and luckily, they got enough for to please her

"Skrill!" I heard someone yell, I looked where the voice came and saw how the Night Fury flew towards me

"Night Fury! You're back!" I said relieved "How was the attack?"

"It went good but the humans were able to capture five dragons" the Night Fury said

"That's bad, I hope humans will be merciful with them" I said sadly

"I hope that too" the Night Fury said "How were things here at the nest while we were gone?"

"They were bad, the queen ate a Nadder because one of the fishes that he gave her wasn't in a good state" I said

A new Boy in Berk: A day in Thunder's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now