"I'm not kind" he said and looked at me

another girl came but this time she approached him physically, touching his muscular arm, dragging those annoying red nails across his precious skin "oh my! don't you look dashing Mister Kim!" a girl I was not familiar with came and talked to him as if they were close 

"Lani" Taehyung responded, I suppose that's her name


His eyes met mine, but I turned away and drank another cup even though I was already feeling lightheaded. Random thoughts about his relationship with this bitch here began to flood my mind. "I am busy right now, perhaps another time" he said.

oh, so he wants to talk with her in private, is that so?

or, am I ruining the moment right here?

tch, what a shame then, cause I am not moving 

"oh, okay" Lani stated with a sad pout, instantly releasing her tight grip on his precious arm, her eyes then shamelessly battled as she smiled "oh well, you look hot as ever Jimin, can't wait for you to sandwich me" I cringe from her words, almost threw up from it actually

I look at Jimin, gagging from her remarks, and scream "Well, you better get your ass out of here!" with furrowed brows.

She gave me a cold gaze as she quickly muttered "bye" before walking away

I see how her long hair waves with each stride she takes, how she appears older, and how perfectly she smiles. I turn to face Taehyung and worry about his relationship with the girl; after all, they are close.

"she's pretty" I say which caught his attention, his brows knit together in annoyance "so?"

"what's with the attitude" he walks past me and gets a cup of alcohol and sips on it "shouldn't I ask you that?" he smirks before suddenly leaning closer to me

so close I could smell the sweet sappy scent of his drink laced into his breath. It tickled my neck and raised the hairs on my arms, I stood, frozen never having felt this tingly before. 

"Oh? Is precious Tzuyu keeping tabs on little ol' me? How sweet."

"I'm not!" I blushed, finally moving away from him before he got too close. Taehyung sipped on his drink before clicking his tongue and cooing at my adorable pout.

"Don't tell me you're jealous sweetheart."

"Jealous?!? Of what?!"

"Of my nonexistent girlfriend." He smirked "I'd much rather be here with you anyways so don't worry baby I'm all yours." I flinch, pondering whether he's joking around or is serious

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