Chapter 18: O Canada

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Seth's POV:
The next morning, I wake up to somebody singing O Canada it's Vanessa. We're in Montreal for Raw and this will be the adventure Vanessa has waited for! The bus pulls into the arena and everybody greats us. The Shield gets ready for a six man tag team match vs Punk, Randy and Zack. Vanessa looks at me with worry in her eyes. I ask Triple H if Vanessa could join the announce team on commentary. I get the green light for the rookie diva. The best part about Canada are the fans they're so cool. As we make our way through the Montreal crowd, we smile knowing that our biggest fan is also our valet. The match starts out with Dean vs Punk. I'm on the apron thinking about something when Dean tags me in.
Vanessa's POV:
As i'm watching and commenting on the match I noticed Seth missed a few moves. Jerry and JBL noticed too. How could Seth miss those moves? I think to myself as the pace of the match quickens and the commentary does as well. Roman gets tagged in and the pop is huge. Roman and Punk square off until a tag was made to Randy. I'm watching nervously and what happens next is a huge spear that makes me jump so bad my heart starts racing. I calm down to finish commenting on the match. The Shield wins the match! As Dean and I are in the ring he hushes the crowd. I look at Seth and Roman confused. What happens next? Dean and I get engaged! The Montreal crowd breaks out a yes chant and we share a kiss. Stephanie and Triple H show up on the Titantron but they're out of character and they congratulate Dean and I. We smile and head backstage. Nikki and Brie give me a huge hug! Tom, Byron and Renee interview all of us in parts. I flash the engagement ring to the camera and the crowd goes wild! After the celebration and show ends, the crowd stays in the arena and the roster comes out. John gives an amazing toast to us. The lights go down and somebody's pyro goes off and the roster turns around to see Chris Jericho dancing a waltz with Stacey. The former Dancing with the Stars competitors are here to give Dean and I dance lessons. I sigh in relief as the roster goes backstage. I'm walking backstage and the lighting crew congratulates me. Joey and Jamie give me a hug. I turn the corner and the sight I see shocks me. Nikki Bella crying I hug her knowing that John broke-up with her. Dean lets Nikki on our bus as our next stop in Canada is Calgary. Nikki puts her stuff on an empty bunk bed and sits on the couch.
Seth's POV:
I look at Nikki and i'm sad for her. Break-ups suck. As I approach the couch and sit down next to Nikki, she buries her head on my shoulder and cries. Roman and I do our best to comfort the diva but it was a fail. I get a wacky idea that requires everybody. I call for my partners and they rush to my side.
Vanessa's POV:
Dean, Roman and I listen to Seth's plan that I call Operation Cheer Up Nikki. The first thing in Seth's plan is to get rid of anything Nikki brought that reminds her of John. Roman and Dean get started on that part while I put on some break up songs. I sit on the couch with Nikki. The diva looks at me with mascara streaking down her face. I hug her and try to cheer her up but I fail. Seth and I look at each other Nikki cluches a picture of her and John. She puts it away and paces the bus. I look at Seth and wonder what's next?
Seth's POV:
The first part of Operation Cheer Up Nikki was a bust! I'm pacing the bus thinking about the next part of the plan. I look on the other side of the bus and I see the master bathroom. I have an idea so I call Vanessa over.
Vanessa's POV:
I listen to Seth go over plan B of Operation Cheer Up Nikki! It's a bubble bath! I like that idea I think to myself. Nikki is still upset about the break up Seth and I go through my duffel to see if I brought something that could be used as bubble bath. We're digging through my bag and Seth finds a bottle of Beautiful Day Shower gel. Perfect substance to use. As I rush into the bathroom and turn on the taps I noticed the gold marble tub is perfect for two. As I pour the shower gel into the tub, Seth and Nikki enter the bathroom. Seth and I leave Nikki to her bath. I noticed Seth had a goofy smile on his face and that could only mean one thing.
Seth's POV:
I have a crush on Nikki Bella! I said it. Neth Bellins I think to myself then Vanessa reminds me that the Bro Code states a bro can't date another bro's ex. What a buzzkill I think to myself. I'm on my way to check up on Nikki.
Nikki's POV:
I'm in the bath relaxing when I hear a knock on the door. I tell the person to come in. It's Seth checking up on me I smile at the former tag team champion. Oh crap I just got out of a relationship I can't get myself into another one I tell him i'm okay. We talk. Even though i'm still heartbroken over my break-up with John, Seth is so sweet. He leaves blushing.
Vanessa's POV:
I haven't seen a guys face so bright red before. Seth's face looks flushed and that freaks me out. Dean and Roman looked freaked out too. As we put Seth on his bunk bed Dean and Roman exchange confused looks at each other and to me. I explain to the duo that Seth has a huge crush on Nikki. Dean and Roman high five each other leave to do something.
Seth's POV:
I have to do this telling Nikki how I feel would be best for both of us. I pace the bus weighing the pros and cons of telling the Fearless Bella how I truly feel. I'm half way to the bathroom when I feel a female hand on my shoulder. It's Nikki I think to myself. I turn around and I see a small frame looking up at me. It's AJ! I look down at her and I noticed she's shaking. I pick up the small diva and she's clinging on to my shirt. Aw poor AJ I think to myself. It's now time for Operation Get Well AJ. I race to tell Roman to check up on Nikki and Dean to find some soup for AJ. As I touch the diva's forehead she whimpers. I panic! As I hear the bathroom door opening I see Nikki in a beautiful red dress. I gulp. AJ looks at me and writes me a text message. I breathe in and out slowly. I prepare to tell Nikki how I feel.
Dean's POV:
This is it! I'm watching Seth as he tells Nikki how he feels. I can't contain my joy. I'm about to say something to Roman when the door opens and a dejected Seth flops down on the bed.
Seth's POV:
I blew it!

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