Another thing that's been on my fucking nerves lately is Ivy. This girl actually thinks me and her are together even when I have made it crystal clear that we aren't. Real DELULU.

She comes to my house uninvited, takes unnecessary pictures and selfies of the both of us to post on our accounts since she's got control over it now and this one time she actually sent herself roses and made it seem as if I had sent them. Commenting as me on her own post. Weird.

I do have to admit the whole me and her being fake together really is working, well for her at least. My followers and hers both have increased in the past week which is good for her since she's an IG model but i don't give a damn about my socials. I only care about Greyhound and so far there ain't shit happening. She's telling me to be patient but i feel like her and her publicist are playing and using me. I guess more followers would equal to a bigger audience for my music when I release it.

I then hear a knock from the door as i was making a sandwich in the kitchen and go answer it. It's just Ivy here to bug me. I told this girl to call before she just shows up at my house but she knows if she does that i'd tell her i'm not available.

"How many times i gotta tell you to call first before you just show up?," i ask with a blank expression on my face leaning by my door.

"It's good to see you too," she says letting herself in. I swear this girl.

"What's up?," she asks me sitting on the couch and putting her bag on the table.

"i should be asking you that," i say closing the door and sitting on the other couch.

"We'll i came to update you about our progress so far, you haven't been in your instagram account?," she asks getting excited.

"Nah, told you i don't care about all that," i say to her

"Weellllll, your followers have gone from 5k to 10k! You got up with like 5 000 followers all because of meee, you're welcome!," she screams all excited.

"Oh, that's nice," i reply opening my phone to text if Geezy is around so that we can go to the studio, i hadn't been with Geezy since the whole thing so i'm hoping this won't be awkward.

"Nice? Cassius come on i need more than just nice baby, we should celebrate," she says seductively getting up from her couch and walking towards me. She parts my legs and tries to sit onto my lap but i stand up.

"Ivy you can't keep doing this, i told before we're no longer like that and you need to stop it's getting embarrassing now," I say to her.

"Come on Cassius, what's the problem now," she says moving closer to me holding my hands and placing them on her tits.

She's been trying to have sex with me but honestly after Ayesha I don't think I can have sex with anyone else, I don't know why. I tried with Ivy but thoughts of Ayesha and her body slid into my mind and i don't think that would be fair for me to have sex with her and think about someone else. I then get a text from Geezy telling me his around so I can pull up at the school.

"I have to go aight," I say grabbing my keys that were on my table. I just wear my blue hoody on top of the black basket ball shorts i was wearing and some slides.

"Go where? To that bitch Ayesha's place," she says rolling her.

"You know what Ivy, I'm getting kinda annoyed with your stank ass attitude... I think we should stop seeing each other," I say looking in my dining room mirror trying to not get furious by what she just said.

If anyone's a bitch between her and Ayesha it's definitely her. How dare she talks about my girl like that.

"Don't be stupid Cassius, how are we going to be a couples if we don't see each other," she says coming behind me and looking at herself too in the mirror and fixing her lip gloss.

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