Papa Don't Preach

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"Serena, how's school going?" Sherri asked over dinner one night.
Serena shrugged. "Same old." She hated having to make small talk with Sherri. She had been living in Boston for two weeks and Sherri was already getting on her nerves. First of all, she was always there, and she was so damned cheerful. But it was her influence on Christopher that really grated on Serena's nerves.
Life with her Dad was definitely different than she remembered. Not only did she have a firm curfew, but Christopher had insisted on meeting all of her friends and being introduced to all of her dates and she had to check in frequently. It was as if he suddenly didn't trust her and Serena found it really annoying, especially since she had always taken her freedom for granted.
"I was thinking we could go to the spa this weekend," Sherri told her cheerfully, not deterred by Serena's surliness. "It would be relaxing and give us a chance to bond."
"I'm going away this weekend," Serena told her.
Sherri frowned. "You're going to visit your mother again? You were just there." There was censure in her voice and Serena fought the urge to roll her eyes. If she wanted to visit her mom and Rory that was her business.
"Serena 's going to visit some friends at Yale this weekend," Christopher explained.

Serena watched Sherri carefully. This was the first time Yale had come up in Sherri's presence because Serena had had the feeling her father's girlfriend wouldn't approve and she was worried about her influence over Christopher.

Serena wasn't disappointed. Sherri immediately frowned. "You're letting her go to Yale?" She asked Christopher, in obvious disapproval. "To visit a bunch of college boys?"
Christopher looked uncomfortable. "I trust Serena." He stated, causing Serena to smile.
"Of course you do," Sherri said sweetly, "But she's still a teenager and things happen. It's your job to watch out for her, Christopher. Is she going to be staying in a boy's dorm? That doesn't seem very safe."
"Colin and Logan won't let anything happen to me," Serena said quietly. "I'll be staying in Logan's room and he'll sleep in the common room." At least that was the official arrangement, Serena knew she'd really be staying in Colin's room and he wouldn't be sleeping on the couch. She also didn't think it would be as innocent as she wanted her dad to believe. She'd been thinking about Colin and about what had almost happened in Martha's Vineyard for weeks. She'd wanted it to happen. She still wanted it to happen. And maybe the time was right.
"See, Serena 's got it under control," Christopher told Sherri.
Sherri was still frowning, but after a moment she forced a cheery grin. "Well, if you're going away this weekend, then we'll go to the spa next weekend."
"Fine." Serena agreed, even though she thought it sounded like torture, but she'd agree to anything if it stopped Sherri from interfering with her plans.

"What do you mean I can't go?" Serena asked Wednesday morning. "You promised!"
Christopher sighed. "Serena, I know, but I was thinking about it and I realized I'm not comfortable with you staying in Logan's dorm."
"We're just friends." Serena protested.
"Yes, and I trust Logan," Christopher told her, "But you don't know his roommates and things can happen. You're sixteen and it's my job to protect you."
"She talked you out of it, didn't she?" Serena  said bitterly "God, you're pathetic, can't you see what she's doing?!" Serena said as she stormed out of the room leaving Christopher stunned.

"Serena, this isn't about Sherri," Christopher denied through the door, "I'm trying to be a responsible adult here."
"You've always trusted me before." Serena pointed out. "But since you've started dating her, that's suddenly changed. You've changed."
"She just made me realize that I was being a lousy parent," Christopher told her, "I'm not supposed to be your friend, Serena, I'm supposed to be doing what's best for you. You're sixteen, you shouldn't be staying out until all hours of the night and doing what you please. You should have rules and boundaries and no, you shouldn't be staying alone at a dorm with a bunch of college guys."
"Fine," Serena said sulkily. "I'll go to Hartford this weekend."
"No, you won't," Christopher told her. "I want you to stay here and I'm going to take your keys to make sure you do."
"What?!" Serena asked in disbelief. "You really don't trust me, do you?"
"I just remember it was like to be sixteen," Christopher told her. He sighed and looked at his watch. "I have to go to work. We can talk about this later."
"Whatever," Serena said sulkily since she knew that she wasn't going to change her father's mind. Sherri's influence was too strong. It wasn't fair, this woman had come into their lives and was changing everything.

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