Summer lovin'

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Hey gorgeous." Tristan greeted Serena with a grin as soon as she walked through the door.
"Were you waiting for me?" She teased.
Tristan shrugged. "There's no one else here who interests me." He told her with a grin. "You know, I could have picked you up."
"Yeah, but my dad is in town and he's gotten all weird," Serena dismissed, "if you'd picked me up, he would have given you the 3rd degree." She neglected to mention that Christopher had met Colin and Logan the night before. There was no reason to share that piece of information, though she found it kind of odd that her father hadn't asked about meeting Tristan.
Tristan accepted her answer at face value and pulled her into his arms for a quick kiss. "Want to go find a nice quiet corner?" He suggested when they pulled apart.
"No, I want to go dance," Serena told him. "After all, we're at a party." She grinned. "Then we'll find a nice quiet corner."
"Your wish is my command," Tristan told her, leading her onto the dance floor.

Serena melted into his arms. She really liked Tristan and it felt so good to be with him. Almost too good. She was very glad that Colin existed, otherwise had the feeling that she'd be in danger of falling for Tristan and strings were not part of her plan.

Look who just came in," Tristan muttered a moment later. "Why'd she bring him?"
Serena rolled her eyes, knowing he was talking about Rory. "Because he's her boyfriend. You're not going to be a jerk about it, are you?"
"Who me?" Tristan asked innocently. "Of course not, I just think Farm Boy sticks out like a sore thumb."
"Is that jealousy?" Serena demanded. "Because I have no interest in going out with a guy who is hung up on my sister."
"I'm not hung up on Rory," Tristan assured her, looking her directly in the eye. "I mean, yeah, I had a thing for her when she first came to Chilton, but that was before I met you. As I told you before, I prefer spice to sugar."
Serena knew he was telling the truth. After her first weeks at Chilton, Serena hadn't seen any indication that Tristan was interested in Rory at all. He'd even stopped teasing her.
"But you still don't like Dean?"
"I just think she can do better," Tristan said with a shrug. "I mean, he's obviously not in her league. Look at you, look at her, and then look at him. She can do better. You know that. I mean, I don't see you dating any bag boys."
Tristan had a point, at least about Serena. She had a very specific type that she went out with. Boys like Colin or Tristan or Robert. Trust fund brats who lived to break the rules. She wasn't sure if it was a snob thing or simply that those were the types of boys she'd always been exposed to.
However, just because he wasn't her type, it didn't mean that Serena didn't see the appeal in a guy like Dean. Dean was a very nice, hard-working guy who treated her sister like gold. Serena didn't hold his lack of trust fund him against him and she knew that Rory would never give it a moment's thought.

"Rory and I are very different," Serena pointed out, though she was relieved that Tristan's objections were rooted in snobby, not jealousy. "Dean's a nice guy."
Tristan just shrugged and then he grinned. "We should go greet them."
Serena rolled her eyes at the glee in his voice. "The less of a jerk you are, the better chance you have of finding out what colour bra I'm wearing." She whispered.
Tristan grinned. "I'll keep that in mind."
As he took her hand and they headed towards Rory and Dean, Serena wondered if there was any chance of Dean learning the same thing about Rory and decided that the answer was a definite no. While both Gilmore-Hayden twins were virgins, Rory was a lot purer than Serena. Mary and Magdelene.
Serena and Tristan quickly reached Rory and Dean, who were talking to Louise or Madeline. Or rather, Rory was talking to Madeline and Louise was making a pass at Dean.
"Hey, Ror." Serena greeted. "Hi, Dean."
"Hey, Serena," Dean told her and then his eyes narrowed when he noticed Tristan.
"You remember Tristan, right?" Serena asked, leaning into the blond boy, who wrapped an arm around her waist.
"We've met." Dean acknowledged.
"It's nice to see you again," Tristan said politely. He turned to Rory and then blinked. "Nice dress."
"Oh, you guys have dressed alike!" Madeline announced as if it had just occurred to her.
"It's very quaint," Louise said with a smirk and then turned back to Dean. "Would you like to dance?"
"Uh, um, not really." He said awkwardly. "I'm kind of thirsty."
"Is Paris playing soda monitor again?" Serena inquired.
"Until 10 o'clock," Louise confirmed. She turned to Tristan. "I don't suppose you'll dance with me?"
"No way," Tristan said with a smirk. "I have a dance partner."
Louise rolled her eyes and then flounced away, Madeline trailing after her. Serena suddenly wondered if there was any history between Louise and Tristan. It was certainly possible, though she doubted it. If only because strangely Paris seemed to be the alpha bitch in that friendship and she'd never have forgiven Louise for hooking up with Tristan.
"Speaking of dancing," Tristan said after a moment, breaking up the awkward silence that had developed, "l think I can go for another round."
"Ok." Serena said with a smile, "I'll see you later," she told Rory and Dean as Tristan pulled her back towards the dance floor.

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