The Green-Eyed Monsters

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"You're going out with Mike O'Brien?" Tristan demanded when Serena got to her locker on Monday morning

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"You're going out with Mike O'Brien?" Tristan demanded when Serena got to her locker on Monday morning.
"Hello to you too." She told him. "And yes, I have a date with Mike."
"He's an ass," Tristan informed her.
"So are you." Serena retorted. "Didn't stop me from going out with you, did it? Besides, it's just one date."
"What does Colin think about that?" Tristan asked, his tone sarcastic as he said Colin's name. "Assuming he's still in the picture, that is."
"He doesn't care," Serena said honestly. "Though, yes, I'm still seeing Colin occasionally, but he's smart enough not to over-complicate things."
"You mean, he sees as many girls as possible," Tristan commented.
Serena shrugged. "So what if he does?" She looked at him. "Who are you to criticize me, anyway? Summer? You really couldn't do any better?"

Why do you care?" Tristan asked. "It's not like you want to be my girlfriend."
"No, I don't," Serena said honestly. "I like you, Tristan, and I thought we were good together, but I don't do relationships."
"No, you like to have your men in variety, don't you?" Tristan asked bitterly.
"You said it," Serena told him, taking her books out of her locker. "Now, if we're done here, I have class."
With that, she slammed her locker door close and walked away from Tristan, not bothering to look back.

"You seem grouchy," Rory commented to Serena at lunch.
"Tristan," Serena told her, making a face. "He corned me before class and..."
"It didn't go well?" Rory guessed.
"No," Serena said shortly. "The nerve of that boy, objecting to who I date. Damn him."
Rory watched Serena and wondered if Tristan still really liked Serena and that was why he was giving her a hard time.
"What set him off?" Rory asked. She figured it couldn't be Colin, not this time after all Serena had been seeing Colin since things had blown up with Tristan.
"I have a date with Mike O'Brian," Serena told him. "
The senior?" Rory asked, blinking.
"Yeah," Serena said with a shrug. "He asked me. I said yes."
"He's got a bit of a reputation," Rory said, thinking that was putting it mildly. From what she understood, he had dated most of the girls at Chilton.
Serena snorted. "You haven't met Colin or Logan."
"Thank heavens for small mercies," Rory muttered, she'd heard enough about her sister's friends to be absolutely certain she didn't want to meet them. After all, they had talked her into stealing a car for fun. To Rory, that said a lot about their character.
"Believe me, when I say, Mike O'Brien is an amateur compared to those two," Serena said with a chuckle. "Besides, I can take care of myself."



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