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Thanvi's pov:

  As soon as the so called idol accused me the police officers arrested me.

Now I'm being dragged to the police vehicle and I was still in shock not knowing what the hell is going on.

After few mins I was locked up in the cell without hearing any sort of explanation from me .

All I did was helped the old lady. Is helping someone a crime??

God!!! Why Thanvi ? Why? Why did you help her and see now you are rotting in prison.

What will happen to you now? Can you ever go back to India? What about my parents? My doggyyyy baby? And my fiance?

Ah shit Thanviii! Even in this situation you are prioritising your dog over your fiance! Well done! Great!!

Now leave that! How to make them understand now???

"Sir! You owe me an explanation! How could you accuse me for things I didn't do?"

'You are asking for proof right? See this'

He showed me a CCTV footage where a girl in maid uniform is kidnapping the old lady. That girl was about my height but her face was not shown.

"Is this the proof sir? The face is not even visible. "

"Atleast hear me out sir. I'm not the kidnapper. Check the time stamp I was in my office working at that time"

" you can check my office CCTV footage also. My office is xxx, yyy street "

The officer was silent and just nodded to his subordinates.

Few of them left immediately to get into work.

Yoongi's pov:

I felt my mom waking up mumbling something. I rushed to her side .

"Are you fine mom? How are you feeling? "

"I'm feeling okay yoongi ah .  Thank god some young girl saved me on time "

"Mom ! Do you remember her face? Ain't she the one who kidnapped you??"

"That cannot be the same person yoongi ah ! Why would the girl who kidnapped me would save me? "

"But I slightly remember the one who kidnapped me. She is someone from this origin but not an Asian "

"Okay mom ! Now take rest ! We will talk later"

"Yoongi ah ! Is the girl who helped me here? Or did she go home? I really wanna thank her"

Yoongi gulped before saying

"Amma actually she is in prison right now"

"Whaat? Are you insane yoongi ? How could you accuse  someone innocent? If she was not there I would have died !! Godddd"

" I don't know what you will do ! I want her released right now "

"Okay mom! I'll talk to the cops and release her"

'Not only that apologise to her'

"Okay mom ! I will apologise to her . You take rest okay"

She nodded and started to rest.

I was about to call the officer to ask them to release her but I got a call from them itself.

On the call :

"Actually sir the one we have arrested is not a criminal . It seems she just helped your mom. We checked at her office's cctv she was working and at her office at that time"

"Oh hey officer! I was about to call you . Even my mom says that she is innocent and she is the one who saved her"

"Oh it seems she is a savior"

"Yeah just hold on ! I'll just reach the police station asap . I'd like to apologise and thank her"

Thanvi pov :

The cops are gathered around and discussing something while looking at me.

They were making calls and rushing here and there .

Thanvi is this the end?? Am I going to rot in prison🥺

Suddenly an officer reached and opened my lock .

" miss it seems there was a huge misunderstanding. We enquired your office and also the victim has given the statement that you are the one who saved her"

"We deeply apologise for your inconvenience "

They said with slight guilt.

"I was telling you the same thing but you were not even ready to hear my side of explanation just because the victim is from a higher background "

I was lashing out on them but suddenly someone barged into the station.

We all looked at the intruder only to find the one and only min yoongi standing there while breathing heavily.

"Oh here comes our star! Are you here to press more charges? " I asked sarcastically.

He bowed 90 degrees and said I'm very very sorry for the wrong accusation.

"When I got to know my mom was missing I freaked out. And then at the hospital you said you are my fan so I thought you are some sesang who is trying to get my attention "

"That's why I acted out of impulse"

Please forgive me !

'Are you freaking kidding me?? Okay I admit I'm your fan but I'm no where near a sesang! I have never attended your concert. Haven't atended your vlive. Haven't bought a single merch and most importantly haven't even listened to all of your songs fully yet! You are accusing me for kidnapping your mom ! '

'Just totally insane!'

I huffed out angrily.

I'm so sorry ! I sincerely apologise. Please accept my apologies.

He was still in 90 degree bending position.

I looked at the clock it was almost 7 in morning.

I ignored him and asked the officers if I can go .

They nodded and I didn't even spare a glance at the still bowing man and stormed out.

Meanwhile yoongi :

Why it's so silent?? I know she must be admiring my handsome face!

I slightly looked up and found no one !

'Where's she?'

She left just now sir!

Uh oh it seems like there is some pleadings to do ....... He mumbled to himself and looked at the entrance lost in some thoughts.



An Accidental Night // MYG حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن