A Sweet Memory

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Hey so this is my first story here, and I really would appreciate some feedback about what I wrote! Of course, I do not own characters from lotr, but I have taken the liberty to create some of my own characters. Enjoy :)

Chapter 1

"Tea, Eámanë?" Legolas Thranduillion inquired.

"Yes please, with a pinch sugar and cinnamon," I replied.

I enjoyed the courteous and amiable company of my friend Legolas, as we would often visit each other. This time I was visiting the Greenwood, more commonly known to Men as Mirkwood. Fortunately, after the destruction of Dol Guldur, it has once more become an inviting and luscious green forest. I had particularly toyed at the thought of becoming Princess of Mirkwood. I knew that the chances were slim,as Legolas could easily catch the eye of any lady, mortal or immortal, into falling in love with him. Rejecting these thoughts, I started chatting with him. Since my home was Lothlórien, it was always calming to idly talk about the comings and goings of the season. Suddenly, he gently brushed his hand against mine, and kept it in place. I guess I might've jumped as his face was a little ashamed and resentful at his action. Surprisingly enough he stammered! It was rare enough for him to become confused, but stammering! That was a first! I have known this calm and collective elf for a solid 1496 years and not once has he stammered!


1496 years ago, I was about 28 years old. In Elvish terms, that was childhood. I remember watching Lady Galadriel welcome another elf. With him was a young elf maybe 30 years old or so. Cautiously, I concentrated as hard as I could, and asked Lady Galadriel if I could come greet the two guests. She agreed. Quiet as a mouse, I scurried down the winding staircase of my home in a towering Mallorn tree. I appeared by Lady Galadriel's side like a vision. Both the guests, particularly the younger one, jumped a little. After having introduced me to the two visitors, the older one known as Thranduil, King of Mirkwood and his son, Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood. Prince Legolas quickly whispered something into his father's ear. Thranduil nodded and without a word, the Prince took my hand and ran into the hunting/bow practice area of the wood. It was there that I had a good look at him. He was tall, but not quite full grown. His silken blond hair was fishtailed near his ears slightly pointed ears, and his hair flowed down his gracefully curved back, which was a very slight concave, ending at the shoulder blades. His blue-green eyes sparkled with youth, and had dark and full eyebrows, yet they weren't as thick as his father's eyebrows. His form was on the slimmer side, but rather muscular and he would fill in as he reached adulthood. He smiled a perfect smile, with a hint of mischief. When I first saw him, I might as well say it was love at first sight...

"Hello, my name is Legolas Thranduillion, but you can call me Legolas," he stated courteously. His voice was musical and smooth. I loved it!

"Um... My name is Eámanë Palantír. You can call me anything you wish," I said shyly.

"How old are you?"

"28 years old, Legolas. And how about yourself?"

"31 years in Middle Earth, Eámanë."

I smiled. He was around my age, and I liked that. Suddenly, he pulled out a simple bow from his back, and a cleverly hidden quiver, filled with arrows. He pulled out a smallish dart arrow and shot a falling leaf. It instantaneously fell to the ground. As he gathered his arrow, I ran towards the target practise area. He caught up to me after I had ran for 5 minutes. We soon reached the targets. I unbuttoned a hidden pocket and unsheathed the small dagger my father gave me. It was one of the last works of my father, killed in an Orc ambush. Like many elven blades, it shone blue when goblins or Orcs were at hand. I threw it at the target, and we had a competition for the amounts of bull's eyes we made...


I unconsciously unsheathed my dagger from its hiding place while we stared at it. We fondly recalled the sweet memory, and smiled at each other.

*Please read my other books. I might discontinue this one...

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