Chapter Twenty

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That still felt weird to think about, but she couldn't fight it. Especially not when the wedding was about to start any minute.

"Nervous?" Rosa asked.

"... A little."

"There are a lot of people inside the hall," she admitted. "I believe all the noble houses sent at least one person to attend the wedding."

"... I don't think it's all to show their support," Evangeline said softly, wringing her hands together. "They're probably just curious as to what a common bride like me looks like."

"Well, they'll be in for quite the surprise." Rosa leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "His Majesty did well choosing those seamstresses... You look like a princess."

Evangeline smiled. "Thank you." Slowly she rose to her feet before turning to her, opening her arms. Rosa immediately hugged her back, her arms tight around her waist. "And thank you for staying... I was worried you wouldn't want to be here for the wedding."

Rosa sighed, pulling from the hug. But she continued to hold her hands, rubbing her thumbs over her knuckles. "His Majesty may not have been my first choice to be your husband... Or any choice, really."

"You mean you wanted Claude?"

"I just wanted someone safe," she admitted, avoiding her gaze. "Just... someone who would give you a nice quiet life in Oakenfort, who would love and take care of you, but... wouldn't take you from me."

"I promise, Mother – you can always come visit me. Marak said you could visit whenever you wanted."

"I know... But it's not the same." She leaned forward to kiss her cheek, a soft and melancholic smile coming to her face. "Still, as long as he promises to care for you and make you happy, I won't object."

"He will, Mother. His Majesty... loves me."

"I would hope so. Otherwise he wasted a lot of money on someone he didn't care for."

Evangeline laughed. She supposed her mother had a point. If anyone had any doubts that Marak had feelings for her, then all they needed to do was look at everything he had prepared for in a month. It was honestly a miracle that everything seemed to have come together so seamlessly... Though she did have to wonder how many people suffered through sleepless nights because of it, like Britari and her seamstresses.

She would definitely need to talk to Marak about giving everyone some sort of reward or vacation time later. Everyone involved had definitely earned it.

Knocking caught her attention. Then the door opened, both women turning to see Solomon, three guards, and a maid enter the room. Solomon was carrying a small chest, holding it close to his body. Evangeline almost bowed alongside her mother, but she quickly remembered not to. Especially not on her wedding day, she could just see Marak pitching a fit over that.

"Forgive me for interrupting," Solomon said. "But the ceremony will begin shortly. Madam Radar, the guard will escort you back to your family."

Rosa nodded. Though reluctant to leave so soon, she gave her daughter one last hug before following one of the guards out of the room. Once the door shut behind them, the two guards took point at the door before Solomon and the maid approached her.

"Are you all prepared, my lady?" he asked.

She nodded. "Is... everyone else?"

"We're all waiting for you now."

That made her nerves rise up again, but she managed to mask it with a small smile. Though she attention turned to the maid who approached her, holding out a small bouquet of flowers to her. Evangeline thanked her, holding it to her chest. And she couldn't stop her smile from growing when she gazed down at the bouquet. Peppered between the white roses and baby's breath were the lavenders she had requested. She hadn't been sure if Marak had remembered, and it warmed her heart to see that he made sure she had what she wanted.

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