"You can." Lord Xu stood up and walked over to her. "There are ways that you can still be Immortal while in a mortal body. Your powers are already proof as such."

"That's way we need your help. People you may know, your home, you have that one chance to save them and help this war." He said, his voice persuading.

"Stop." She blurted out on her own accord. "Stop looking into my past. You're not going to do anything by influencing me in this manner."

This time, Yun thought Lord Xu looked genuinely taken aback as she looked at him, panicked herself. But that was just for the fraction of a second before he returned to his calculating gaze again.

"How did you realize?"


It's me, Xu Heng. The female voice that Yun had heard from her dream came back suddenly again. Except this time she had Lord Xu could hear it.

You. He said, his deep voice ringing out by her ears, but his lips were pressed tight. I thought you were gone. Everyone thought you were gone.

I'm not. I have always been with you. But I don't like how you have been treating my Chosen Ones. There was a deep dissatisfaction in her voice as she spoke. Most of them are dead, because they were not ready before the Nine Heavens sent them on their quest.

I wasn't aware. He replied, looking away with pain and regret on his face.

You were not. She stated again, reaffirming the fact to herself. But now you have the chance to help one. What would you do?

What would you want me to do? Just say the word, and I will have to obey you.

But I don't want that. I never wanted respect and obedience. I just want you to take care of her, like you would to your student.

I already look upon her as one of mine.

Good. The voice seemed to get weaker as she said this, and Yun frowned. I will not be accompanying Yun much longer, but then again, I was only with her for a few days. She will be safe with you, that I trust. And I also trust that you will guide her onto her path.

Lord Xu nodded solemnly. You have my word.

Thank you, Lord of Time.

Yun suddenly felt her stomach rolling and heating up, and before she knew it, the light begin to pulse out of her in torrents. The familiar heat that she dreaded came back again, and she looked down at her hands, shocked. But there was nothing that she could do except to just close her eyes and let it roll over.

She heard gasps of awe coming from Ying. But other than that, she had no indication of what was going on around her. And it was not until that she fell weakly to her knees that she realized whatever the light was for, it was over. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and she felt exhausted, like she had been dancing for hours.

Ying quickly came to her side again, but she waved her hand.

"I'm fine."

A brief exchange of looks between Ying and Lord Xu occurred again and Ying reached out for her this time to pull her up. "Let me take you to your room. You need rest."

And that was the last thing that Yun heard before she fell down, and blacked out completely.


Yun woke up. Her eyes caught the curtain fluttering in the wind, unfamiliar to her. She turned, glancing around at her surroundings. The thin mattress did nothing to cushion her body from the hard wood as she sat up, her body aching. It quickly soothed out, and Yun groaned, stretching her back out with her hands.

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Where stories live. Discover now