The new Alpha and Britain's mate........ Third Reich!?

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"Great Britain you are a omega . now act like IT!" , that my friends was once again was the Alpha of the pack but there was only one thing different about him which was that the old Alpha finally died and passed on the pack leadership to his son . Third Reich and if you couldn't tell Britain and Reich were far from seeing eye to eye you see before the old Alpha died he said these exact words to Reich , "When i die, son you will secure our alliance with the Kingdom pack and marry their omega son" , well it seems Reich took this seriously when his father promised that to him and i guess Britain wasn't the sweet , shy, submissive omega he expected . Now lets be honest Britain in no situation is going to act like an omega even if his life depended on it so now that Reich is trying to force Britain into submission is just going to make Britain retaliate more which is why there is a huge crowd watching Britain a omega challenge Reich a pure blood Alpha . "Britain i'm not giving you a choice just go back to our den and we'll talk later " Reich says slowing walking over to Britain who is baring his teeth at Reich , Reich slowly gets closer to Britain who is now noticeably shaking as you could tell Reich was getting madder at Britain not wanting to submit to him , "Britain your already making a fool of yourself , now just come home so you get your punishment-" hearing the word punishment set Britain off , everybody could tell Britain was doing it out of fear as his tears where streaming down his face and he was still shaking and being told that he would get in trouble if he went with his supposed to be mate . *Slice* , "Goddamn , he just fucking cut his eye !" America yelled breaking the silence and everybody started giving him looks of pity , amazement , and the most look he got was of fear as Reich was quickly walked over to the treatment den as Reich cussed holding his eye in pain as he was walked off seeing all of this confusion and tired of the looks of pity with a hella lot of fear Britain runs away to the woods , crying leaving all of his problems behind . "Come on commie bastard we have to catch him before he runs into HIS territory!" America exclaims dragging a still shocked Soviet with him into the woods .

You don't own me~ {Sovbrit} OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now