Chapter 1 : Caught red handed !

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Britain POV
I seem to be very lucky today for some reason, first i finally leave my pack for good and now i find a deer that looks like its about to die 'Today must really be my lucky day!' i think to myself just as i'm about to pounce the deer i see 10 or more other wolfs jump on it first leaving me angry and a little scared too. "Damnit..." i mutter to myself as i somehow have to get out of here if it belongs to this pack , as i slowly back out and then i step a stick and i hear myself yelp and then i hear all the noise from outside the bush i'm hiding in stop , "You heard that right Russia?" i hear a voice ask "Yes i did , did you hear it Ukraine?" the voice i assume who is Russia ask , "Yes so its ether were crazy or did that bush just yelp?" the wolf that's probably Ukraine says as i hear the wolfs walk over to the bush i'm in hiding in . I feel a cold nose sniff me then i feel the sunlight from outside , "Guys , guys look it's a omega we never found a omega before and hey he smells good..." i jump out the bush and dash trying to find my way back to my old pack 'Maybe they can save one last time' i think to myself before i'm pinned down to the ground . "I got him!" i hear the voice yell while squirming trying to get away from the wolf that still has pinned down to the ground i then hear a deep voice speak and my ears prick up at the sound of the voice , "Kids what did i say about wandering close to the Kingdom packs territory " i hear the voice say and i feel the wolf get off of me and i quickly shake my fur off as i don't want any dirt in it i then go back into my human form and see that the other wolfs have went into their human forms too , "But dad we found him in our territory !" the girl with long red and green hair says looking at a tall man with red hair "Well she's not wrong i just ran away from my birth pack..." i say quietly looking back at my old pack , "Okay then i guess you'll just have to be taken to the alpha " the tall redhead says looking down at me and i feel myself gulp looking back at my old pack borders to see if maybe someone would come and save me . Not seeing anybody i start to walk with the redhead and maybe his daughter 'I'm so dead when my alpha find out...' i think remembering what my old alpha did to me when i did something that made him mad.

You don't own me~ {Sovbrit} OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now