He was even more of not a fan of this interrogation.

Jisung didn't even know what to say, only staring with big doe eyes also filled with embarrassment. He was just born to embarrass himself anywhere he goes.

"Oh well." Jisung mutters, reaching to one side of his neck, scratching it and assures. "Yeah no we also don't do drugs."

Mrs. Lee picked back up her smile so wide there was crinkles at the sides of her eyes, more at ease with his honesty. "Alright then! I'm sorry it's just that.. he's my son and I have a right to know what he's up to. What kind of people he hangs around with, gets with. But thankfully you're great, perfect even. A good influence."

Jisung gives a small grin with some nods of his head he was about ready to bid Farwell himself when the woman blurts out.

"Do you like him? Have feelings for my son?"

No not more questions.

Suddenly Jisung felt like his mouth dried up, and words weren't able to form in his throat. If he could just bury a hole in the yard and hide in there he would. Just do anything to not be in this situation. But not like he could yeet and run from there.

"I- me- what?"

"Oh no sorry." The woman shakes her head. "That's an invasion of privacy I'm very sorry."
"I do have feelings for him." Jisung lets out instantly so it's less awkward. "But not in that way, I happen to care alot about him. He's my best friend, and nothing more."

Mrs. Lee looked so moved by his confession and it looked like she wanted to say something since her mouth opened but then the sound of a truck pulling up the driveway cuts in and she shifts her eyes to the side to look behind Jisung. "Oh there he is." She beams, waving ahead.

Jisung turned around to spot the one and only Minho stepping out of the vehicle. Their eyes met and Minho hurriedly approached over, a bit startled from Jisung's presence. "Jisung hey, what's up?"

"Hey! I got the bag like you asked." Jisung tells him in his sweet delicate tone, face lit up.


"Yup I didn't mean to leave you on read." Jisung starts to explain, urgently. "Teacher took my phone up just as I was about to reply. But thought I'd surprise you, come here myself to return it. Your mom has it."

"Woah thanks, really awesome and sweet of you." Minho says with a soft warm impacted smile. Jisung could fucking melt.

Minho had moved forward with his arm out but then stopped himself, stepping back looking nervous and just settles for soft pats on Jisung's arm with a small sheepish laugh. "Yeah thanks."

Huh. Interesting.

"Yeah of course." Jisung says returning the same laugh and then rolls his eyes at the awful memory, involving Jaehyun. "You wouldn't believe what I had to go through in order to get it."

"What happened?" Now that made Minho drawn toward to hear him out. But Jisung felt now wasn't the best time. Especially with Mrs. Lee there watching the boys.

Yeah she was still there.

"I'll tell you later."

"Maybe I'll swing by later."

"Sounds good."

"No actually son you can't." Mrs. Lee firmly cut in and the boys turned to her. "Remember we're going to your aunt's place."

Minho looked at his mom with a not so delighted face to hear that. "Her house being one hour away."

"Shush you like it over there."

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