Chapter 10: These 4 months in remnant

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Word: speaking.
Word: cinema speaker
Word: threatening voice
Word: whisper.
[word]: thinking.
WORD: shouting.
*word*: action
After the gifts that Blackjack had given to the winners of the game, they celebrated and overjoyed with their gifts. Blackjack informs them of the news that they'll be going to earth in four months, which is around the time of the Vytal festival in remnant. Everyone agrees while the students grumbles since they will have to go back to school, but nonetheless they return home but not before Ruby says her thank you's to Blackjack for bringing back her mother and her family reunited. Team JAK still have a problem, remnant is still divided and same goes for earth as it gets worse throughout the years.

And in order to save both worlds as they planned, Blackjack have few ideas though the last option is the idea he dislikes, but it's his only choice if things didn't go as planned. For now though, he'll be going to earth in these four months to find a host for him to control his powers incase if he cause trouble.

But that will continue next time, for now we will see how most of the guests are doing during these four months.

Ruby POV.

(Time: four months since the viewing, Vytal festival arena, 15 minutes before the festival begins)

It's been four months since we return home from the theater and my family reunited, dad is trying to gather as many pictures with mom as much as possible with us as a family photo. Uncle Qrow had also been with us in some of these photos since the secret is out and our enemy had change, I hope. Mom also told us about the punishment she did to mr. Jack after the fight in the cafeteria, safe to say sis and dad got a lot of beating and I get a head pat and a cookie!

Zwei was so happy that he ran around the house and licks mom so many times that she couldn't take a break, but we are all happy that we are united again.

Blake is also doing great. Her family and people are recovering after that jerk had taken prison, what's more is that their people is recognized as real people rather than the lower race of humanity. Though many seems to be reluctant or straight up hates the idea, but everything is doing great. Even the white fang stop their attacks on innocent people and change their ways, at least from what Blake said I just hope she's right.

After that, me and my team had also been training hard to win the Vytal festival before our trip to earth, but we were having trouble with our studies especially Yang. But at least we pull through and we are going to win.

They are at the entrance of the arena where the Vytal festival takes place.

Ruby: we made it!

Yang: and we come this far. *cracks he knuckles* *smirks* I can't wait for my fist do some smashing.

Weiss: that's enough Yang! Even if we knew the future and your mom back, it still doesn't change your attitude!

Yang: aw come on ice queen, even if that bastard is gone you're still the same ice queen.


They both started fighting.

Blake: *sigh* here we go again.

Ruby: that's enough you guys!

They ignored her.

???: *angry* that's enough you two!!

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