Winner and Winner

Start from the beginning

[The camera cuts to Jun.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "During your last duel against Hikari-kun, you lost. What do you think you need to do different this time?"

[Jun smirks and adjusts himself on the chair.]

Jun: "First of all, I'm using a different deck now. But, still, the main reason why I lost last time was because I was, let's say, in a dark spot of my life. Still affected by the loss on the Nationals earlier this year. Yuta doesn't have the same skills, the same intelligence or the same experience as I do, that's why, now, with my mind clear, I'm going to crush him."

[The camera zooms out as the screen splits between Yuta and Jun.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "Thank you, Hikari Yuta and Manjoume Jun, for your candid responses. Duel fans, stay tuned for the epic showdown between these two incredible duelists in the GenEx Tournament final! Back to you in the studio!"

[The frame fades out]


_ Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the 10th edition of the GenEx Tournament!

Rei steps into the spotlight once again, all the lights of the studio pointing at her. The crowd explodes in excitement, waiting for the anticipated final match. Rei gently smiles until the loud noises slowly fade out and, once the environment becomes slightly silent, she looks straight at the camera.

_ I must say, this is a very special moment for me.

The crowd applauds. Again, Rei smiles and waits for the silence.

_ One year ago, I could've never imagined myself hosting such a big event. And now, standing here, on the verge of this great final match, I'm very, very, happy. Did you know that the first duel I narrated this year was between these two boys from my school?

More cheers.

_ Yes, yes. Here we are, now, folks! At our beloved homeland of Japan, standing in front of the entire world, please, welcome our finalists: Hikari Yuta and Manjoume Jun!

As Rei announces their names, the arena's holographic displays create a dazzling light show, bathing the stage in vibrant colors. The holographic GenEx logo at the center of the arena gleams brilliantly, casting intricate patterns of light onto the polished floor.

From opposite sides of the arena, Yuta and Jun make their entrances. Yuta enters calmly, his every step echoing against the gleaming floor as he waves at the people cheering him on. TV cameras capture close-ups of his composed expression and the focused gleam in his eyes.

Jun, on the other hand, makes a grand entrance, his confidence shining through as he struts down the walkway, acknowledging his fans with extravagant gestures and a charismatic grin. The crowd's cheers intensify, and the cameras capture Jun's larger-than-life personality in all its glory.

Rei stands at the center of the arena, high-tech control panels and monitors surround her, showcasing real-time statistics and duel analyses.

_ Hikari, Manjoume, please, step forward.

Yuta and Jun approach the holographic logo at the center of the arena, their eyes locked on each other.

_ You know what comes next, right? To decide who goes first or second in this historic duel, we'll have that good old-fashioned game of rock, paper, scissors! On the count of three, show your choice to the audience.

The anticipation builds as the people on the crowd claps, their sound reaching a crescendo.

_ One... two... three! Go!

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