Cadell bowed and left the room, only to give me a puzzled look. He didn't know about my previous life, that is sure. I guess his mind is turning right now, trying to understand what his master meant by "Grey" and how he knew a three year old child from another continent.

"So, to tell you the whole story. There are 9 races of asuras, you would probably call us gods. The dragons are one of them and we, the basilisks are as well." Agrona started, while walking around his desk, toward me.

"As I became the leader of my clan, the Vritra, our clan underwent an uprising and we became the leading clan of the basilisks. After some time, I looked on the other continents, to see that humans, dwarfs and elves were slaughtered by magical beasts. You didn't have access to mana back then, you have to know. So I decided to change that. I was the one to start to do everything I could, to support the three races, and did some experiments."

He went to the open area of his room and with a flick of his fingers two couches form from the ground. He proceeded to sit in one of them, while offering me the other one with a hand gesture. I sat down.

"I noticed that some of the humans had the ability to use magic, but it was suppressed. This surprised me, and I did some history research. I have found out that there had been some humans that could use mana, but not only mana, but aether too. I'm still trying to figure out how they could do that, but I'm making very slow progress. These ancient mages disappeared some thousands years ago and left what is called 'the relictombs'. More on them later. I wondered these powerful mages had disappeared, since their ability to influence aether far surpassed the abilities of the dragons. I did some digging, and found out the horrible truth"

He looked me in my eyes:

"The dragons had massacred them. The ancient mages were a pacifistic race, so they didn't and couldn't resist. As I discovered that gruesome fact, I went and confronted the leaders of the dragons : Kezess Indrath"

During this part he eyed me intensely, waiting for my reaction, especially at his mention of the name of the dragonlord. I was shocked about the reveal of the genocide, but the name didnt ring a bell. Agrona clicked his tongue.

"So you don't know his name. Anyway, he denied my accusations, and exiled me and every other basilisk out of Epheotus, the continent of the asuras. We went here, the continent of Alacrya. But that wasn't enough. He also declared a war. Fortunately he was wise enough to agree to my proposal to not fight asura against asura. A war between asuras would level this whole world, not only Epheotus. Instead we decided that the war would happen between the two other continents, Alacrya and Dicathean, without the direct involvement of us Asuras. In a few years the truce we agreed on, to prepare our continents, will end and the war will begin."

I needed a second to take that all in. After a short while I nodded slowly.

"So Kezess exiled you because you confronted him about the genocide, why didnt the other clans do something about that?"

"Well, after I confronted him, I left to visit my wife. It isn't often that asuras visit each other's domains, so I thought I took the chance. While I was gone, Kezess ordered in the other heads of the asuran clans. He said he learned about my experiments with humans and the mixture of our bloods. The experiments were not very humane from our current viewpoint, but they were different times back then, and all participants were volunteers. I think I have already established that Kezess couldn't care less about the wellbeing of the 'lesser races' or 'lessers' for short, as he calls them. No, he was disgusted that the mighty asuras and lessers had offspring together. And with that all the other asuras agreed, so they exiled us. The part about my accusations was swept under the carpet. I was informed the next day, to leave their domain and to leave Epheotus with all of my race. As I told Sylvia, she agreed that this isn't fair and she decided that she would leave with me. I was so happy at that moment, you can't imagine. But Kezess was furious that his daughter left him behind, to side with me. "

Alacryan ArthurNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ