Jungkook is nervous and Taeyeon is scared, having never seen her mother like this. "It's ok sweetheart. Daddy is going to call Aunt Sum to come get you for a while ok?" Taeyeon shakes her head as she cries. "No daddy!" Jungkook tries to sit Taeyeon down as they both can hear Y/n screaming and crying in her room, but Tae clings to his neck. He pulls his phone out and calls Jimin. "Hyung, can you and Sumni please come get Tae for a while? I've got a big issue here and I don't want her here." "Daddy NO!!" Taeyeon screams as she cries. "What the fuck is going on Kook?" Jimin asks worried. "Please hyung. Can you just come as soon as possible?" "Of course, we're on our way" he says and Jungkook quickly hangs up. He walks around the living room trying to calm his hysterical daughter as his woman is having a nervous breakdown in her bedroom. "It's ok baby, mommy is ok" he says as soothingly as he can as he hugs Tae's body to his. Jimin and Sumni arrive a half hour later, the scene not better at all. "What the hell is going on?!" Sumni says as she hears Y/n screaming and things clearly being thrown around and broken. Jimin quickly grabs Taeyeon, who is still crying and not wanting to let go of Jungkook, as he sighs and looks at Sumni. "I'm sure she's told you about the texts I get." Sumni narrows her eyes at him. "What did you do?" She accuses him. "Nothing! I swear Sum! I love Y/n and I'd never cheat on her!" "Then why is she like this Jungkook? What's going on?!" He groans as he looks back at the hallway when he hears glass shatter. "They keep texting. I-I don't know what to do." His chin quivers and Sumni can't help but feel bad for him. She sighs and looks down the hall, then to Jimin and Taeyeon. "We'll keep her as long as it takes. You, go to her." He nods and they quickly leave. He runs down the hall to the closed door and wastes no time busting through the door. He finds the room trashed and Y/n nowhere. "Y/n!! Baby!" He gets scared and looks around until he hears whimpers from the corner of the room. He runs beside the bed and finds Y/n curled into a ball sobbing. He drops to his knees and reaches out to her. She swats him away and looks up at him. It breaks his heart at her appearance. Her face is red and swollen, wet with tears. He sees blood on her shirt and freaks out. But her eyes scare him the most. They're filled with anger and hate. "Get the fuck away from me! Go fuck one of your many contacts!!" It stings, he can't deny that. But he deserves it. "Baby no! I'm not leaving. And I don't want any of those women." She scoffs and then stands up. He notices her limping a bit as she stomps past him. "Y/n, you're hurt" he softly says. "Like you care. Just get the fuck out Jungkook" she says defeatedly. She sighs as she limps toward her dresser. He notices two pictures not broken, a picture of him, her and Taeyeon on the day she was born, and one of just the two of them. She picks up the picture of the three of them and sighs. "I thought this could work..." she says softly while looking at the picture. He gets incredibly nervous from her words. "It can Y/n. It is working" he pleads but stays back to not enrage her again. She laughs and wipes her eyes. "Is it?" She asks, almost trancelike. He finally takes a step and softly says, "yes. We're happy my love. I know we are. Please don't let this break us." She turns to face him and then sighs, eyes still on the picture. "I'm sorry I stuck you Jungkook. I made you have to take on responsibilities you weren't ready for or wanted. I made you live this life." His chin quivered hearing her blame herself for getting pregnant and ruining his life. "You didn't 'stick me' Y/n. It took BOTH of us to make Taeyeon. And I don't regret it for a second. I love my life Y/n. I love my daughter, and I love you." She chuckles. "Do you? You kind of had to love Taeyeon. Even though I stuck you by getting pregnant. But you don't have to pretend with me anymore. You're free to live the life you wanted. A carefree life." "I'm not pretending to love you Y/n. I DO love you, with all my heart. I'm living exactly the life I want to be right now and stop saying you stuck me with getting pregnant." She sighs and then looks into his eyes. Her eyes were beat red and tears flowed from them freely. She handed him the picture. "You can have this if you want. I don't know if you'll want it though." Her voice is scaring him, it sounds defeated, void. Dead. "Put the picture back
Y/n. I want it by our bed." She takes a deep breath and her shoulders sag when she lets it out.

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