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Chapter 6: Bugs Are Playboys

    Lin Yu lived in the treatment department for almost a month without knowing it. The doctor will check on him twice a day.

    He was not feeling well at first, but he felt fine after resting every day. But recently he feels better physically, and he feels that lying in bed every day is very boring. But he had nothing else to do.

    Although he wanted to learn Interstellar Common Language wholeheartedly, but because of the retarded personality... he couldn't take the initiative to ask. He could only watch some automatic programs in the hospital every day and make guesses.

    In fact, Lin Yu's brain has always been very good, but no one teaches language, so he can only guess based on the context, which is still too reluctant.

    The only person who will come to visit him is the blue-skinned man.

    He didn't know how he touched it, but it appeared in front of him inexplicably on the second day of his hospitalization. Then I would visit him occasionally.

    Lin Yu is very cautious, he doesn't know what the consequences will be if the people here find out that he is from time travel, so even though the blue-skinned person keeps talking to him, Lin Yu just stares at him blankly, acting conscientiously. A synthetic human with a low IQ.

    It stands to reason that such one-sided communication should be very boring, but the blue-skinned person is very happy with himself, and still visits him every now and then.

    But Lin Yu was a little surprised when he saw An De today, because it was still daytime, and usually Ander would come at night, so Lin Yu naturally deduced that he should have a job during the day.

    This is indeed the case, but today the starship is rarely docked on a space station, and most people have applied for vacations and went down to play.

    An De also applied for a vacation, but he came to Lin Yu immediately.

    As soon as he entered the treatment room, he could smell the refreshing fragrance in the air again, and his mood improved. When he saw Lin Yu's face, a smile appeared on his face.

    Lin Yu's face has a different kind of beauty when there is a big bruise on his face. Now that he has recovered, he looks even better. Even just sitting on the hospital bed is like a painting.

    He still greeted Lin Yu, and didn't care that Lin Yu didn't respond. Still smiling, he put a finger to his mouth, hissed, and pointed to the door. "The nurse is going to change shifts. I'll take you out for a walk."

    Although Lin Yu didn't fully understand, she still understood what he meant, so when Ander reached out to grab his wrist, he didn't refuse.

    The two avoided the doctor and quickly left the treatment room smoothly. Ander led Lin Yu to walk in the corridor for a while, then came to a cabin door and opened it.

    Behind the hatch is a fully enclosed special passage. It looks like a bridge made of steel and glass.

    Lin Yu's eyes widened in surprise, only then did he realize that the starship was not sailing, but docked somewhere.

    The two quickly entered the space station along the passage. Immediately the air was filled with human voices and various smells.

    Ander looked at Lin Yu's side face, and noticed that he showed a surprised and dizzying expression, and couldn't help being a little proud.

    Lin Yu really liked this kind of bustling and bustling place. It's not in vain that he brought him here on purpose.

    Starships don't stop often, and this kind of opportunity is also a rare vacation time for Ender.

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