Not this again. It's not because she didn't care about Lydia, their something was becoming a friendship. She cared, but due to personal reasons she has to focus on something else or gain the courage to do it.

     "I'm not running amuck with my nose sticking out the window and then get smacked for trying to help." She protested, fingers interlacing behind her black hoodie. Diving straight into the questioner of what creature Lydia is, is procrastinating. But why not be the hero, she's clearly not going to do what she wants to do. So do what you're meant to do. It's Melanthios' responsibility since she was bitten and Stiles wasn't. He's going out to search for Lydia.

     "Nobody is going to get smacked. We're just looking for her, and you need fresh air. You can't here in the same clothes." Coming from the boy who did the same during the weekend. Granted it is different when somebody you care about isn't taking care of themselves.

     "You're big boys, you don't need me to hold your hands through the woods," Melanthios assured, mustering up an encouraging grin and a raised fist. Let's leave the saving to anybody that can save. She tried with the video clerk and she swears up and down Peter cracked her spine ( Scott claims he didn't ). The memory sends shivers beneath her skin. Spinning on her muck stained mary jeans, shock chews out her limps paralysed at Scott running in behind her ( he's so gorgeous out breath! ). Did you forget already? You're still the second choice. Her sprinting heart fanning itself reminds her she can walk. Smile back and moonwalk the opposite way. Smile back and moonwalk away.

     As if him being able to hear how loud he made her heart beat wasn't mortifying enough, smacking into a black vending machine on the ground amidst moonwalking is cherries on top. Just die. Put her in the coma instead! Who knocks over a fucking vending machine? Stupid. Should've gone. She should've gone. She huffed, lifting her head from her hands to glance at the clock above her aunt's bed. Visiting time will be over soon, then what will she do? She knows. Go ahead pretend that being in here will stop the inevitable. It's only feeding your guilt. She's scared. That's why she asked for Nyx, her approval is the encouragement she needs. Scott and Stiles would be against it. Her cousins would be against it.

     So she waits for the silence. You know, the thing keeping track of her heart? When it dies the green light comes to life. It's bad. It's very bad to depend━━━━ wish. Correction: she's wishing on that. It's not her, Melanthios claimed. It's the full moon, Ghost Rider reassured. It's the Ghost Rider, I add, it's a vengeful spirit.

     "What are you doing here? Scott and Stiles are gone looking for Lydia already." She didn't comment on his change of aura from what he did. It was a shining light telling her to look at it, into it and reveal the wickedness inside his soul to seek vengeance.

     "I came looking for you." He replied, eyes drifting to aunt Bette's sleeping figure. Her tired eyes rolled to him, they were never close to come looking for each other. He went to Scott for that. "Did she confess to it?"

     She shakes her head, fingers tapping the arm of the stiff dark green chair. "Peter did, he predicted it'd happen and no doctors know if she'll wake up."

     "Do you think she will?" Derek asked her. She flicked her eyes from the small tv screen to him, how dare he ask her that? They're not friends. He read the room. "I've sat in that seat before, waiting for the same thing everyday. They're never going to stop. I know you know that. They're bringing in more reinforcements and it's time I started doing the same."

     Her? Scott is next door, did he knock on the wrong door? Doubting yourself, really? Scott may have broken Peter's control at the school but who got them out of a car race against the Argents? Melanthios did. Imagine if he wanted her this whole time but Nyx took her first, don't giggle out loud, she's getting arrogant.

     "You want me to join your pack? I thought you didn't trust me?" The surprise was clear, pointing at herself leaning forth in her chair.

     "I don't trust anybody. But I know what look means, we want the same thing." He admitted, lifting his shoulders. Her eyes narrowed at his last sentence leaning back, the exact same Peter said to her that night. What did he want?
"That anger you feel at them, her. Yourself? I can help you solve it. Especially with Nyx gone."

     Take it; it's the green light you've been waiting for and this one comes for free ( nothing comes for free. )!

     "Do you know where she went?" She inquired. Oh no, you're abandonment issues are showing. She hated how hopeful she sounded, unconsciously lifting her head like a child waiting for her dad to walk through the door. She knows he knows. Derek shook his head. Suck it up. Don't feel disappointed. It's fading, the green light is going. He's losing interest ( no, he's not. He's desperate. )! "I'll join your pack."

     He nods his head out the door, already knowing what her answer would've been. "Come on."

˚˳°˚˳° ˚˳°˚˳°

               A graveyard seriously? Something nearly stopped her from walking inside, Devi Lavigne wasn't buried in a grave nothing could keep that woman caged. She wanted to dance with the waves so does but a piece of her watches the sun rise on her window still in an urn. Coming here could be a trap? What he said, I know what look means, too much like his brother? Uncle? Whatever Peter was to him. It makes matters worse nobody knows she's here. Rephrase that; nobody cares that she's here. So lift your head Melanthios, you'll survive the night. If not, who cares you'll be dead.

     "Are you planning on bringing somebody back to life?" Melanthios finally asked, rather focused on kicking the field of crunchy autumn leaves to make a path than catch up to him.

     "No, he's already alive." Derek answered. Nothing more, conversation with him is drier than the orange leaf stuck on her white ankle warmers. She shushed at the sight of a tractor fallen on a dug grave, glimpsing at Derek. "He's in there."

     How did he get stuck in there? Jeez, imagine if they came for him tomorrow. Derek lifted the object and jerked it aside making the ground tremble. She walks ahead, arms crossed as she peered inside.

     "Need a hand?" Derek offered Isaac. The stranger staggered back into a corner, knees buckling as his frightened eyes bounce from him to her. A gentle door way to the supernatural, it reminds her of the night she was bitten because of the flower stud pierced on her nose. The price of beauty.

˚˳°˚˳° ˚˳°˚˳°

Author's Note ━━━━ I still can't believe I've made it to szn2!!!!!
I usually lose motivation but I am so thankful I didn't! I have smm planned and I'm already excited for szn3 and Melanthios and Scott getting togetherrr😩

THE END OF THE F...ING WORLD ━━━━ SCOTT MCCALL.Where stories live. Discover now