"You need to start using the car we have set aside for you," he argued as we walked to whatever torture he had for me today. I made a face when we stopped in front of the supply closet that he made us go to school in.

"No. I like walking. Maybe you should try it," I sassed, earning a weird noise as his face began to turn red.

Just before he would explode, Kelly - his underpaid assistant/talent scout - came rushing over and took him into his office. There were a lot of crashes and noise coming from it before she slipped out, Gustavo's yells following after. She gave me a look and I gave her an innocent one.

"Stop antagonizing him, please," She pleaded, making me shrug.

"Maybe when he learns to control his temper and stop yelling at me," I told her, earning her groan. "What's on the agenda today?"

Kelly took out her set of keys as another loud crash shook the building. "Organizing this," she told me while giving me a sheepish smile and opening the door. It could barely open up all the way with all the junk stuffed in there.

I gave her a horrified look. "What happened to that being cleaned out?" I questioned, already hating the idea of touching anything in that room. It's a huge room and there have to be too many things in it.

"After you guy's stunt to get into the Palm Woods -" she cut herself off when I opened my mouth to correct her. "Okay, when the boys did that stunt, we kinda just started throwing random stuff into it. Then it just became a mess. Have fun!" She cheered before walking away.

"I hate you!" I called back while digging my wire headphones out.

"Think of this as your karma for upsetting Gustavo," she called back waving her hand in the air. I flipped her off knowing she couldn't see it before resuming my playlist. I grabbed a lawn chair that was in there for some reason and just yanked it. I ran out of the way as the mountain crashed down onto the floor.

Something definitely broke, but it wasn't my problem. If they were going to let it get this bad things were bound to break. I began sorting everything into different piles. For a moment, I forgot that other people worked in this building and got a lot of odd looks for my dancing.

Why is there a toaster? And why - you know what, it doesn't matter at this point. I should always expect weird things to happen.

I was hoping to get most of the easily distractible stuff back in the closet before the boys came for rehearsal. It was nice that Gustavo gave me extra shifts away from the boys but it was always met with something like this. But I really shouldn't be complaining since he pays me like five hundred dollars a day.

The plus side is that it's every day since he never knows when he's going to need me and that it doesn't get locked away like the bands. I'm free to spend it like normal, but aside from iced coffee, I'm saving it.

Hours passed by and when it was time for the boys to come in, all the distractions were in the closet behind everything else. Gustavo was going to need to hire tough guys to deal all this trash out because I sure wasn't. Most of it was in bags at least, but it was still heavy for me. My arms felt like jelly from moving all of this stuff all morning anyway.

Kelly and Gustavo came out and nodded at me, a little impressed that I was able to get it all done.

"I can't believe you never told us!" Carlos yelled, his voice echoing through the hallway. The three of us turned to see them walking down, all their eyes on James who had a grimace on his face.

"Tell you what?" Kelly asked, as nosy as ever. It sort of bugged me how much she wanted to know but I know she was just nice.

"James here had a secret girlfriend and never told us! No wonder he's been so upset lately!" Kendall exclaimed before shoving James forward as I froze. From his tone of voice, it didn't seem like my brother knew it was me.

Kill My Time | luke hemmings  ✓Where stories live. Discover now