alternative timeline pt2

Start from the beginning

" Guys we need to find a way to escape. we can't handle those monsters alone, so until we find a way out we should stick together." Bete shouted, which caused bell who was already scared to get more terrified. Bete didn't want to show it but he was doubting his ability to deal with them, as he was shaking, but not only him Ais was also shaking.

" Bete no need to shake I am confident that you're more than capable of dealing with most and you have all of us to back you up" I whispered to bete

" Guys, can you buy me some time?" I asked

"Okay," Ais replied

" Don't worry we've got your back, friend" Bete replied

"O-of c-c-course" Bell, who was trying to get his act back together answered

The worst part was that while they were replying to my request. The monsters took the initiative and targeted Bell first. two minotaurs were going to crush him but with one move Ais cleanly cut both of their heads and then she attacked the horde of minotaurs she kept slashing them so that she can reduce their ranks, but Ais got overwhelmed at the end. the remaining 6 minotaurs now surrounded her, but to her luck, tom came to her rescue using a firepower ring from the movie ' Tom and Jerry: the ring of powers ' he reduced the remaining minotaurs to nothing, and on the other side bete and jerry, who has the power ring of strength, were fighting against the rest of the monsters and then ais, tom, and bell joined the fight. Bell, who unlocked Liaris Freese when ais saved him early, as he felt hopeless and wanted to help his new friends that are protecting him. His sheer wave of the urge to protect his friends and help them caused him to unlock that skill. Although he still can't even kill a single Violas he's greatly dodging and injuring them, and even when he gets hurt he still gets up and keeps fighting so that he doesn't feel like a liability to the group. Although bell is doing amazingly well for a level 1, we still can't ignore the Man of the fight 'Jerry', who's ripping apart and one punching every single monster in his way now the group is finally done and has killed every single monster.

"Wow, we did it, wo ho! we survived!" bell said while celebrating and jumping around, which caused beat to chuckle at the enthusiasm of the youngster in front of him

But bell couldn't finish his celebration, the dungeon started shaking again, and all of the monsters they just killed reappeared in the addition of a group of Balors. All of the adventurers were surprised by how for the first time the dungeon was so insistent on killing them, but then their series of thoughts have been cut off by a voice coming from behind them " Stand back, I am fully ready now."

My P.O.V

"Guys, can you buy me some time?"  I asked them after they all agreed to it I started meditating

'how do I unlock the gate of Babylon?' I asked myself and suddenly a voice in my head answered ' simple all you need is to remember what Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon looks like and how he used to summon it, and you'll be capable of using it '. ' Wait, who's talking?' ' I am a nobody I'm just a so-called consciousness, maybe a system or even a program that was implanted into you by God, But you can call me gacha.' The system answered. ' So you're like gacha life, where with every objective or quest I finish I get awarded by you with gems to unlock some items like clothes, skills, or abilities, am I right?' 

'Yes, something like that.'

'Back to the topic, all I do is recall how Gilgamesh used to summon the gates and what it looked like?'

 'Frantically, Yes'

'cool, but a final question.'

' Ask away, '

' Is there a way to buy free gems'

'No, you must complete the quests so that you can receive gems'

'oh, man. Anyways, I need to take my leave now, bye!'

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