the other's perspectives pt3

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The Evilus."  answered two figures anna and an unknown figure.

the kids looked back to look toward the place the voice was vibrating from. they noticed that it was a man, but then Sarada took a fighting stance as she recognized the man as the group leader she knocked out earlier."Who is this man Sarada?" Mitsuki questioned. Sarada answered, " That's the leader of the group that kidnapped Anna." The moment Mitsuki heard those words he held his kunai and took a combat stance. Then; the man said, "first of all, the name is douse. Moreover, trust me I don't have any ill intentions as of now I am even here to help you with whatever you want" 

"then answer a few questions," Sarada said

"Ok" answered Douse

"what is this evilus thing?" Sarada asked

" How could you not know what is The Evilus?" douse asked surprised

"Well, we are new around here, and from the place, we come from we rarely hear any news from other parts of the world so we aren't aware of a lot of things around here" Sarada answered sweating hoping that the man won't try to pry into it.

" Well, I wouldn't have guessed you are new around here, especially with your fighting skills and the way you dealt easily with a high-tier level 5, which only a High-tier level 6 or a level 7 could do, which would normally take 8 years or more to reach, but come to think of it again I never heard of you, you look so young to be even considered a 15-year-old, and as you said you're new around here, so the only conclusion that can be made is that your home town, village or whatever had a large number of strong monsters that allowed you to grow that much or you have a strong bloodline ability that gives you a multiplied rate of growth." the man kept mumbling.

"Enough with the mumbling" Sarada shouted. the man stopped and Sarada asked again " So will you enlighten us with what is Evilus?"

" Oh Evilus is a group of people that are deemed by the world as criminals and they go around killing people and stealing from them and I am one of them. Everyone you both fought was a part of the group. Although, they are just remainings." the man explained

"Remainings?" Mitsuki asked

"The evilus flourished with large amounts of people in the past A.K.A at their prime, but now only a few remaining."

"What are their intentions?"

" I don't completely understand as back then I was a small fry so I didn't receive a lot of information, but my leader once said that their true intentions ain't destruction, murder or theft It was completely something else. their intentions to lure out the weak and dispose of them and to strengthen the strong."

"Now, that you answered everything. I will ask you one last question what do you want?"

"what do you mean?"

" come on you thought we will fall for you doing it without something in exchange."

"you're smart, I want to join you both and become a part of your group"

"um, that was unexpected, but we will think about it"  

"We will give you our answer tomorrow at 6 in the morning and take care of the kids until tomorrow ok?"

" HAI HAI Captain." The man answered


Sarada walked towards the kids and said, " Kids don't worry I will come back tomorrow and If he tries anything I will come here and rescue you immediately." the kids then hugged her and Mitsuki, who just approached them too, and said, " Please don't leave us and we will miss you and uncle Mitsuki."

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