Puppy Love

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Takiya hears the click of the front door.

"Tadaima." Fafnir greets as he slips off his shoes at the door.

"Welcome back!" Takiya yells back from the couch, his swirly glasses glued to the TV screen.

His character on screen gets hit, making loose change fall out of its pockets. But then it swings it's weapon to take down the enemy, earning nearly a dozen of what it lost. Takiya finds it a good time to pause the game as he hears Fafnir's thumping foot steps approaching the door way.

He greets the humanoid dragon with a smile.
"So, how was dance routine practice, Faf-ku—?"

"..?" Fafnir stares at Takiya's sudden halt in words.

The office worker can only stare with a lack of, or perhaps delayed expression.

He finally raises a finger and points.


"Yes?" Fafnir answers.

"Why is there a Yorkshire terrier puppy biting your hair?"

Fafnir glances down to see a young puppy dangling over his chest with its jaws clamped onto Fafnir's black hair. The Yorkshire cutely growls and rumbles in response of the dragons gaze.

"Huh." Fafnir can only respond.
"It followed me home."


The puppy wanders around the home with a wagging tail, sniffing the video game cartridges and anime figures sitting around near the TV. Takiya and Fafnir watch from the couch.

"I don't understand how you didn't notice it on you when you came home." Takiya says.

"I'll kill it." Fafnir demands than offer.

"Wha—no!" Takiya answers ghastly.
"It might belong to someone. Just gotta... figure out who."

Takiya gasps and looks over at Fafnir.
"Faf-kun! You can sniff it and follow the scent to the owner right?!"

Fafnir declines immediately with a scary glare.
"I am not doing that."

Takiya gains a cold sweat, feeling shot down.
"Well it was worth a shot."

The two bring their attention back to the puppy, who approaches Takiya's leg. It sniffs his sock and up his leg. Takiya smiles and lowers down to pet it.

The Yorkshire seems to love behind the ear scratches. It wags its tail delightfully, making Takiya's smile grow. Takiya happily watches the pup as he picks it up.

However, Fafnir's eyes are only stuck on Takiyas happy-going face.

How it scrunches up as the pup sniff Takiya's face and decides to lick the office worker's nose. How Takiya's face unfolds to a wider smile with an accompanied laugh as the puppy excitedly sniffs and licks again.

Fafnir feels a stir in his heart, a mix he does not understand. He enjoys Takiya's face. He enjoys Takiya's smile. Yet they makes him feel weak.

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