"I can agree, Mrs Noceda," I stopped drinking and immediately set down my tea. Before, I was purposely closing my eyes and looking away from the bat queen barely making any eye contact. Now I kept my gaze on her red eyes while she smirked.
"You didn't think I didn't know you? I mean everyone knows you." I stayed silent. "Truly as menacing as they say, but I want to get back to work and tend to these human trees, so let's make this quick, and let's not fight. Humans are even up at this hour as well and I don't want to start a frenzy in town with the reveal of magic." She said as she began drinking her tea, gently holding the jade cup with her two pale slender hands.

"Well, to get to the point, how did you end up here? Last I heard you were part of the funding and a great sponsor of the reconstruction, then you disappeared along with your children a couple of days later before turning into months."
She took her time sipping her tea as I watched her carefully.

"How should I put this to your likings..." she set her tea down with both hands still on it as she began rubbing her finger around the rim of the cup. Unknown to her I could see the visible ripples in her cup despite how dimly light the room was, she was anxious yet kept her composure somehow while also sounding unfazed when speaking.
"I don't know how I got here, not one bit. Every time I or my children try to remember we get these awful headaches that cause great pain preventing us from further thinking. So if this wasn't the answer you were looking for then I'm sorry."

"Actually it wasn't," she got quiet, her red eyes were now sharp and staring deep into my soul as my deadpanned eyes were locked on hers as well. We stayed like this before I took a sip of her tea. "I had another question in mind, and maybe one more if you don't mind me asking."

"Well the table is open," she grabbed the tea pot refilling both of our cups.

"The monster yesterday, what was it? Also, since we are on this topic, are there more here in the realm?" The pouring of the tea served for a moment of silence as she filled her cup.

"Before I answer, let me go ahead and give you some context," her eyes flashed yellow as the tent glowed for a second to reform and soundproof the tent.
"Someone here is opening or is maybe trying to create a portal to the demon realm, I'm assuming a witch of sorts, and that is most likely how I ended up here. If you read human news, both paper and their....advancements, there are many reports that go unnoticed by the mere humans but are an awful lot of evidence that proves of more demons," she pulls out her phone and taps on it before showing reports and news files of cases.
"As of now I believe there's a handful of demons here that I know of, such as the snaggleback. But the one I'm certain will cause trouble and the one I'm assuming is the one you're searching for is your fellow friend."

"Grometheus...," the bat queen nodded.

"He knows something I don't though and we've been head-on since, the most I can say is he works for the 'savior' he calls it, 'the one who will set us free.' I'm sure whoever this is the one trying to connect the realms somehow," she takes a sip as I take one as well.

"You fought Grom?"

"Yes, but it wasn't an easy feat of course," she stood up out of her chair gently pushing it in before making eye contact. "Do you mind? I'd like to show you something," I stared at her ominously before standing up and following her to the back of the tent as her lamp trailed ahead of us

Unlike what daylight shows, the back was much bigger as it was basically another tent that was walled off by crates and boxes. But from what I assumed was just human creatures there was a bunch of palisman put in a neat fenced area with basically all their necessities. Many of different shapes, colors, and breeds/forms as all the palisman were asleep all huddled against one another for warmth while two of Yi Yi's children lay near on some makeshift beds.
"What the-?"

"These are most of the palisman I was able to save from Grom at our last meeting..." she said sadly as she stared at the palismans.

"I don't understand..."

"whoever Grom is working for is collecting palisman for some reason. Or at least that's what I've been seeing him do. A few days ago I was able to capture Grom for a short moment until he had escaped earlier today," she turned to me. " I want to make a deal, a witch's oath," I looked at her cautiously which caused her to raise a hand.

"I don't want trouble, none of that, but there is a lot of trouble about to occur from whoever Grom is with. I may not remember clearly but I recall running away with only two of my children, grom or whoever has my other child. I don't know what your plan is or if you even care about what I say but please... As both the guardian of all palismans and a mother... please help me find my children, my child, and palismans who came with, and stop whatever is happening. In exchange, I can help you with whatever and assist you in any sightings or information you may need." I stared at her and her stuck out a hand with the oath ring around her wrist before staring at the palisman snuggled up. "Information is more powerful remember."


"Alright..... but Imma need information now."


Lucia carefully took two steps out the portal door just in case someone was up and could hear her. She slowly stepped out as four abominations followed behind along with Blue who carried a basket of books. They made their usual groans while carrying potion materials and equipment as one carried a large pot with smaller ones inside with other potion mixing equipment, another with many herbs, and then the last two with books and a corkboard.

"Shut up!" Lucia whispered yelling as she allowed the abominations to enter before closing the portal. The abominations immediately started to set the stuff down as one abomination had accidentally dropped one of the potted plants/herbs.

Lucia stopped her movement as the crash was pretty loud which would cause any sane person to, usually, wake up. Lucia dispelled the abominations and hid her key, after closing the portal, right as the closet door opened Luz had appeared out of the shadows.

"Lucia.....what are you doing...?" Luz whispered while still trying to wake up, Lucia sighed in relief that it was her sister and not any of the adults or other children.

"My fault Luz, I couldn't sleep and I was just thinking random things before I had an idea of setting up a potions station, See," Lucia pointed to the old table Eda bought earlier, more like a desk per-say, as the stuff need for potions were all there backing up Lucia's partial truth. "My abominations dropped one of the plants."

"Oh.... Are you going to do experiments here?" Luz asked as Lucia went along as she was trying to make this conversation go faster.

"Uh yeah..."

" then where's your corkboard? Or your journal you usually have?" Luz asked forcing Lucia to continue this conversation.

"I have it all with me Luz....," Lucia said as she began pushing her sister back to her room through the closet before forcing Luz to face her and then leaning down to her level. "I'm gonna just set up everything real quick so I may be loud, just try to go back to sleep, okay?" Luz nodded before leaving her older sister and shutting the closet door
Lucia sighed right as the door closed but was cut short when she finally received a text from the bat queen, who had exchanged numbers with Lucia before she left, and had the information she needed to get a head start.
It was 5 full paragraphs long

"Blue... can you make me a coffee...."

2128 Words

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