"Considering how big the show was I doubt it. They probably won't find any evidence," Taeyong shrugged, "Even if she didn't lie they probably got rid of any traces of it."

"Yikes the comments," Yeri said reaching the comments from netizens, "This bitch has some nerve trying to sue a television show! Hasn't it been proven that what she said was true already? Someone needs to find her on the street and teach her a lesson. She's lucky she ran away from SNU. Ugly bitch."

"The world really was always so mean to her," Taeyong said, "I wonder if her boyfriend stayed with her through all this."

"Doubt it. Guys hate liars, but who knows," Yeri shrugged, "I wonder if Kunhang knows where she is."

"As is he'd tell us," Taeyong scoffed unlocking his phone, "I can't stand that he was her real best friend. After all, we did for her after he left."

"Don't remind me!" Yeri scoffed. She hated remembering that.

Irene checked her phone as she got a notification, "Another article. It seems they're paying big money to get even a glimpse of Hyunjae," She said reading the headline, "Too bad she closed her Instagram before we could save the pictures."

"Well I still have a few but we're in them and I don't want us to be linked together, it could be bad in the future," Taeyong mumbled.

"True!" Yeri agreed biting into her granola bar, "You're so smart yong!"

Taeyong was glad they didn't question why he still had a few pictures of them altogether. The truth was he liked the memories. Now did he miss her specifically, not really, he missed the nostalgia. It just felt like everything was easier back then, even being tytrack was easier. He hasn't released a song in months due to writer's block. It felt like his life was slowly getting boring and dull. He needed to get out there and maybe back into the dating scene, sadly jaehyun wasn't giving him the time of day. Rumor has it that he's already seeing someone.

"This is random but I'm trying to get into the dating scene again. Would you happen to know anyone?" Taeyong asked curiously.

The two girls looked at each other and then at taeyong.

"You know they make apps for hookups right yong?" Yeri chuckled stealing Irene's drink to drink some

Taeyong playfully shoved her as she laughed, "I know that but I don't think I want to hook up. I think I genuinely want to start dating again."

"Ohhhh," Irene said, "in that case let me do some digging. I'll send you a few profiles later."

Taeyong shot her a wink to thank her. If anyone was good at matchmaking it was Irene. The girl had guys and girls lined up for her, but she wasn't interested in any of them. She was only really intrigued by one but he wasn't interested.

"Hey whatever happened to that guy you were interested in Rene?" Yeri asked trying to remember his name.

"Oh yeah, Jaehyun's friend!" Taeyong said remembering as he stole Yeri's drink to take a sip.

"Yuta? He's at some soccer training thing. At least that's what the soccer guys said," she said with a sigh, "Since he's gone I haven't had a chance to really get to know him."

Irene knew a lot of people so when she asked one of the guys in her class if they knew him, he told her that he was on the soccer team. After asking the guys on the team she found out that he was gone for some time due to a soccer training thing. The guy she asked on the team mentioned that Yuta had a girlfriend but he hadn't seen her hang around in a while so he wasn't one hundred percent sure if he was still dating her. That was enough for Irene.

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