"Jinho—" he interrupts himself and takes a deep breath, an emotional turmoil sizzling in his chest like a torch burning in the darkness. Never did he think Jinho would have to see him in such circumstances. His cheeks flush with embarrassment, mustering up the courage to speak louder.

His best friend's head turns immediately, having heard the cry for help from Jimin. Wondering where it was coming from, he looks around until he sees Jimin hanging in a net trap between the trees, his heart squeezing at the sight. Concern that flooded his body a moment ago is now flooded with anger, and directed at the one responsible for it. Are they now trying to corner Jimin with a new tactic? Vengeful thoughts pop into his head and he pinches his lips together, sneering. Jinho is an alpha of the quiet kind, rarely taking out his anger on anyone as you know others do. This, however, goes too far and he would like to kick down the door of the head alpha’s hut and give him a piece of his mind.

There he was promising to protect Jimin and be at his side when he wasn't. He blames himself for Jimin being in the situation he is now. Not to mention how scared he must be, Jimin's otherwise soothing lavender scent is bitter and mixed with a sour note. With the urge to take the omega in his arms and seek him safely, Jinho searches for a sharp stone on the forest floor, having seen where the rope leads that’s attached to the net trap.

Meanwhile, Jimin looks down at his best friend, a forced smile on his face. Gratitude mixes with a great amount of humiliation that turns his cheeks pink. On top of that, his stomach growls, having eaten nothing at the feast and left with an empty stomach. The atmosphere there has literally taken away his appetite.

“I’ll release the rope, so be ready to fall and I’ll catch you.”

Jimin shouldn't be laughing. He laughs nonetheless. This isn't the first time Jinho has stated something similar. "That's so cheesy."

Jinho is hard to spot from above, and yet Jimin sees him huffing, crossing his arms in front of his chest and shaking his head. "How else should I say it?" Jinho exclaims and smacks his lips. "Sorry, I'll let go of the rope and you'll fall like a sack, but I'll hold my arms out for you to fall in there? At least your scent is not as bitter as before…"

"The last bit... is also somewhat..." Jimin doesn't need to continue the sentence for Jinho to understand what he says. "I told you to talk to your future mate like that, not to me. Eventually, the one will hear it and think-"

He interrupts himself, noticing how moronic what he just said is. Does Jinho even have a chance of finding a mate in this pack if the whole pack is willing to believe the rumours and if it's already spread among everybody in the pack?

Guilt bubbles in his stomach and he clings to the thick ropes, seeing Jinho already holding a rope in his hand and starting to rub at the rope with something in his hand as he attempts to cut the rope. Jimin observes him, arm muscles bulging under the moonlight and Jimin could swear on his dear cup he loves that Jinho has been working out more recently. It may not be noticeable to others right away. Jimin, nonetheless, has noticed the difference and makes an assumption it might have something to do with a certain person. He could also be wrong.

"Okay, I'm almost done…" Jinho exclaims and continues to cut the rope. "When I say now, you'll fall and I'll catch you, okay?"

Jimin nods, uncertain if Jinho sees it. The thick ropes scour, causing red marks to paint his porcelain skin. Not that it matters, or anyone sees it. The only thing which is more important to him right now is to free his leg and lessen the stinging pain of pins and needles. He'll go crazy if it doesn't happen soon.

A sudden cry of panic leaves him and within the next second gravity is gone like someone pulled the rug out from under him. Along with the net he falls and fears of hitting the forest floor. It doesn't come. Jimin gets caught just like Jinho said. Warm, strong arms are snaked around his back and legs, Jinho carefully sets him down, frees him from the net and crouches down in front of him, back faced towards Jimin.

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