Zombies DCOM or Dare / Radio Disney

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Dove, Meg, Milo, Trevor and Kaylee were standing in front of the camera with a wall were it said 'Radio Disney' everywhere on the wall.

Meg looked into the camera. "Hey guys, we're the cast of Zombies" Dove, Milo, Trevor and Kaylee made cheers and said 'hi'. "And we're going to be playing a game called DCom or Dare."

"Oh oh," Dove exclaimed as the boys gasped.

"Here we go," Meg told them, as she turned to them. "Who wants to go first?"

Milo raised his hand. "Milo."

"Yeah, totally you," Trevor told him.

"Step aside," Milo told the others, as he stepped forward.

Meg looked down at her notepad, then at the camera. "So, basically I'm going to ask him DCOM or Dare?"

"Let's start crazy," Milo told her. "I'm gonna go with a dare."

Dove gasped at his words.

"Damn boy," Trevor exclaimed.

"Okay," Meg replied, before looking down at her notepad. "Milo's dare is..." Milo leaned down and had his hands on his knees looking at Meg. "Make up a cheer about Radio Disney."

Dove chuckled, covering her mouth as she did. Kaylee leaned back as she laughed.

"Easy," Trevor exclaimed.

"Yes," Dove exclaimed with a chuckle.

Milo stood up thinking.

"Here we go, guys," Meg exclaimed, looking at the camera.

"Wait, I need a second," Milo told them, he looked at Meg as he did some cheer moves with his arms. "Should I do this stuff too?"

"Sure," Meg answered. "Yes."

"Big time, big time," Trevor told him.

Milo started to do a cheer dance. "Radio Disney, you're the best. You're the best radio and you're better than the rest."

The others cheered for him, as he did some final steps, making them laugh at him. Meg pointed at the camera.

"That was good," Kaylee told him, as she clapped.

"Trevor," Meg called.

"Wow," Trevor exclaimed, as he fixed his hair.

"DCOM or Dare?" Meg asked.

"Dare," Trevor answered, as Milo clang onto his shoulders from behind.

"Oh my god," Dove exclaimed.

"Show us your best dance move," Meg read. Trevor gasped. "This is gonna be good."

Trevor started to do a dance move, they others chuckled at him.

"Yes," Meg exclaimed. "That's what I'm talking about."

"Kaylee," Meg announced. "DCOM or Dare?"

"Ok, I'm going to switch it up a little bit," Kaylee explained. "So, DCOM."

"Thank you," Dove told her. "Thank you."

"Here we go," Meg told them, turning to the camera. "So, now I've to ask her a question about a Disney Channel original movie?"

"If I get this wrong, I'm going to be so mad," Kaylee told them.

"No, you got it," Trevor assured.

"High School Musical starts on what holiday?" Meg read out/asked.

Kaylee thought for a few seconds. "Oh, New Years."

"Woo!" Meg cheered.

"New Years' Eve," Kaylee corrected.

"New Years' Eve," Meg repeated.

Kaylee jumped in happiness, that she got it, as Dove clapped for her.

"Okay," Meg exclaimed, looking at Dove.

Dove crossed her arms. "I guess I'll be like my little Kaylee."

Milo turned to Trevor. "Did you know it?"

"No," Trevor answered.

Milo pushed him out of the picture. Kaylee laughed at them. "Are you serious?" Milo dragged Trveor back. "Come back."

"I'll take a little... a little... DCOM," Dove told Meg.

Milo leaned down behind Dove's head. "Good luck."

"Which city does the Cheetah Girls go to in Cheetah Girls 2?" Meg read out/asked.

"OMG," Dove exclaimed "It's something with... uhm..."

"Toronto," Trevor exclaimed, making Dove glare at him, and the other three laugh at him.

"What language is it in?" Meg asked Dove. "When it is in..." She hummed the melody.

Dove asked her if it was in a language but it wasn't the answer.

"No,"Meg told her.

"I think I got it," Milo told them, as he raise his arm.

"Barcelona," Kaylee answered.

"Barcelona," Meg repeated as she high fived the girl, and Trevor clapped for her.

"What?" Milo asked confused.

"Barcelona," Meg told Milo.

"I did not think it was that," Milo explained.

"I don't know who won," Meg told them, as they all stood facing the camera. Trevor and Milo pointed at themselves, as Kaylee pointed at her and Dove pointed at Kaylee. "But just keep watching and don't forget to watch Zombies on Disney Channel."

"Yeah, be there," Milo told the camera. "Be there."

"Oh yeah," Dove agreed, as she held up a thumbs up. "February 16."

They all waved to the camera.

Radio Disney

The cast memebers were standing together with Dove in the middle of them all.

"6, 7,8," Trevor counted.

Dove went down in a split, as the others cheered for her. Milo held out a hand to Dove, who took it and Milo helped her up.

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