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Seabrook High School

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Seabrook High School

Football Field - Homecoming Game

Madison had just taken off her wig, and watched the crowd on the bleachers,a s they were silence for a moment, before they all booed at her.


Gus and another officer, opened the back doors of the patrol car. "All right, get out."

Zed, Eliza and Bonzo walked out of the car, with Zed last. Zed spoked to himself. "Spent some time in Zombie containment. Not fun. But it's all my fault. Thought I was doing something right by doing something wrong. But now all zombies are getting software updates. No more 'tweaking' them." He looked down at his Z-band. "Sweet. Eliza, they now have Wi-Fi now." He glanced between his best friends. "Too soon?"

"Cheerleaders steal my computer," Eliza told him. "Sabotage everything, yet zombies get the blame. You know, it was stupid of us to think humans can change. You know what? We tried the nice way, now it's time for my way, all right? We'll have a zombie uprising! Force them to make us equal or we tear it all down. Hey, I've been waiting my whole life. All right, I'm sick of waiting."

Eliza walked away, leaving the zombie boys.

Eliza walked towards her house, as her mother walked up and up to her and they hugged.

"Your father and I have been worried," Eliza's mother told her.

Zed and Bonzo fist bumped before they went to each of their house.

Zevon walked out of the Necrodopolis house, took hold of Zed's shirt. "What were you thinking? Hey? You could've died adjusting your Z-band, Zed. You don't have to change who you are, son. I love who you are."

"Yeah, but they don't," Zed told him.

Zevon brought his son into a hug. They pulled away. "Let's get inside."

The father and son duo walked inside their house.

Next Day

Seabrook High School - Gym

"With cheer Championship a few hours away, Bucky is purging anyone who isn't anti-zombie. And taht's a lot of people," Madison informed no one in particular.

The Mighty Shrimp were standing in the gym, as Bucky walked around them, and took a closer look on each one of them. He took hold of a boy's necklace. "What is this, huh? Zombie flare? You're cut!" The boy walked away, walking to a another boy, beside Tracey and behind Lacey. He took the boy's hand. "Oh, look at this more zombie appeal. You're cut!"

The boy walked out. Bucky walked over to a girl beside Lacey pointing at the door for her. "Thank you!" The girl left.

"This isn't good," Tracey whispered to Lacey and Stacey the row in front of him.

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