14- Kurtbastian (Pt. 1)

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A/N: This wasn't actually a request, but I saw a Kurtbastian shipper in the comments on my previous update. I am a Huntbastian fan personally, but this is an exception. So... this story is dedicated to @GirlofManyFloods. Enjoy! <3

Sebastian hugged Barry. "Make sure you don't switch up the planes on your trip back. And I want to hear more stories about Team Flash saving the day!"

Barry grinned, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "That was just once, Bas. Don't rub it in my face."

Sebastian made an affronted noise. "Who, me? Never!" He placed his palm on his chest for the extra dramatic effect. "I'm just worried. After the last time you got onto the wrong plane and ended up in Brazil... point is, you can never be too careful."

"I think he's carrying all his careful with him," another voice called from inside the Smythe mansion. Iris appeared from behind the door with Mrs. Smythe and kissed her cheek, embracing her. "I'm Barry's personal calendar, alarm clock, whatever he thinks he doesn't need in life."

"But I need you!" Barry wailed. Iris cooed. "Aw, I love you."

Barry leant down and sneaked in a quick but passionate kiss on her lips. "I love you too," he murmured in a smile against her mouth. Sebastian made a fake gagging sound. "Go, you superfast broccoli-lover, before your heterosexuality rubs off on me. Go!" he pushed him from out of the porch good-humouredly, laughing all the while.

He turned to Iris. "I don't know how you managed to say yes to marrying him, woman," he sighed, rolling his eyes, his hands still in a desperate attempt to push his muscular twin out. This used to be so easier when they were younger. "I had half a mind that you'd run away screaming from the altar."

Iris couldn't suppress her guffaw anymore. "Believe me, the thought did come to mind. Twice. Until the Nazis arrived anyway."

Dead silence.

Then she choked on air, bent double, cracking up with her brother-in-law while her husband pouted to the full extent that his mouth allowed him.

"Ah..." she stood back up, wiping the tears of mirth from her eyes. "I haven't laughed so much in a long time. Thanks, Seb," she sighed. Sebastian gave a two-fingered salute in return, with a cheeky, "Always at your service," mouthed. He waved Barry goodbye and leaned on the doorframe for a while, looking at the couple's retreating backs as they got into the taxi.

"Are you coming in, dear?" his foster-mother asked. His head dropped. "Nah, maman," he replied. "I think I'll get outside for a bit before coming back in. I don't want to grade the kids' Russian Revolution assignments just yet. I need as much bravery as I can muster to face the stream of... words bullied onto the pages."

His mother nodded in understanding, smiling to herself. Her son had developed this tendency to inject humour in every other sentence he used, but it was still something that cheered her up every day. However, something nagged at her that this was more than just a way to brighten things up; it looked more like a cover-up.

Anyway, there was nothing she could do about it. Not anymore. Not after he had become his own man.

Sebastian got into his car and drove towards the one place he could think of, an hour's drive away from home- Lima Bean. He had fallen into the habit of haunting the place every day and drop the occasional song on request once or twice.

But today was one of the days he'd rather die than sing. Because inside, he only felt hollowness.

He sat down with his regular coffee with a shot of cognac (a welcome change from Courvoisier) and took a hesitant sip. He finally let out a resigned sigh he had been keeping in all day long.

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