9- Secret Admirer (Pt. 2)

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Barry crossed his arms and sunk back down into armchair in the Warblers' practice hall. Sebastian had dragged him, there, insisting on leaving the room since there was a chance there was a bug camera by the window.

Barry exhaled. "Wow, this is the first time I've encountered something so drastic," Barry remarked, eyebrows raised. "Even Iris doesn't get any obsessive hounds after her."

"So, now what?" Sebastian asked, biting his nails. "You were always the analytical one."

"Honestly," Barry blew into his hands, sighing again to clear his head, "I thought that your McKinley rivals were causing you trouble again after that earring incident. But this is..."


"I was gonna say 'more absurd', but 'cray-cray' fits it just right."

Sebastian chuckled in response. "I'm glad you're here."

"Me too," Barry smiled warmly. "And I think I have narrowed the list down to some of your students here."

"How?" Sebastian leaned forward, intrigued. 

"Judging by the time of the delivery of the notes, there is a common denominator to when that doesn't happen- your Warbler practice sessions," Barry pointed out. "Meaning, your mystery poet is also a singer in the glee club. The poor boy must have been charmed by his captain-"

"Oh, I'm not the captain anymore," Sebastian interrupted him.


"Yeah, it's Hunter Clarington now. My new roommate."

Barry raised his eyebrows impossibly high. "I thought you hated having a roommate. You kicked the last three ones who even attempted to toe the dorm room."

Sebastian shrugged. "Yeah, but Hunt's my best friend, and he didn't start staying at the dorms right away," he said. "He had to come over when his parents moved to California, so it was kind of sudden and I offered."

Barry's pondering expression turned into a sly grin.

"You're such a sweetheart, Bassy," he said, his words not quite matching his devilish smirk that was scaring off even his twin.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian gasped. Barry flicked his fingers, examining them. "Oh yeah, you know... so kind, just the right amount of sexy, and oh-so-charming and handsome... though I definitely have the better gene set."

Sebastian instantly turned an adorable pink, the blush creeping down to his neck. "Quit blabbering. Since when did you talk like that? And we have the same genes."

"Oh, right," Barry remembered. "I'm bi. The vocabulary kind of comes as a starter pack after the discovery."

"Excuse me? Why didn't I know of this sooner?" Sebastian exclaimed. Barry rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I just started dating Connor," he confessed. "So I got little time on my hands now."

"And here I was, thinking you had forgotten about me..." Sebastian laughed. "But I thought you liked Iris."

"Yeah, but she sees us as her brothers," Barry said, eyes downcast, and that made Sebastian want to hug his brother, which he didn't. "There's no way I'm getting out of that sibling-zone."

"Ah, plenty of fish in the sea," Sebastian waved his hand nonchalantly. Barry's sly grin returned. "And one hunter to catch the best fish..." he trailed off. Sebastian's eyes widened, the blush returning too with full force.

"Hey... Hunter doesn't like me," he said, catching onto Barry's thought. Barry shrugged. "We'll see."


And that was how Barry found himself strolling towards a certain muscly boy named Hunter Clarington while they were on their way to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Hey~" he said, startling Hunter who immediately turned around. "Oh, it's you. Deb's twin, right?"

"That's me," Barry replied. "We need to talk."

"Okay," Hunter said and both of them took up a secluded table. Barry clasped his hands together on the table in a businesslike manner, his glasses threatening to slither down his nose. "You have been sending Bassy those poems, haven't you?" he said, getting straight to the point.

"What? No, I haven't," Hunter said. Barry raised an eyebrow. "I see all signs of a guilty man in you, sir. Just fess up, and we can hash out how you tell my brother later."

A chair got dragged back behind them.

A hand fell heavily down on Barry's shoulder.

"It was me."

Barry swirled around just as Hunter looked up. This mysterious poet was...

"The fucking hell, David?" Sebastian's voice exclaimed behind the three of them. David looked down, embarrassed. "I like you, Seb."

"The hell you do!" Hunter threw down the table, thundering towards David. Before the confessor could raise a finger, blows had started raining down on him, and both the twins were struggling to pull Hunter back.

Hunter, growling, flushed, adrenaline racing through him, looked like a wild mess, his face akin to that of a beast bent upon revenge. He shook off the hands on him and stormed away again. Barry's shoulders sagged as he watched his brother chase after his best friend.

A/N: Part two over, please vote if you liked it!

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