Chapter 15

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Rikki lay in bed. Her mind felt blank, numb from the pain. Every breath was difficult. It was as if heavy stones had been piled onto her chest. She drifted in and out of sleep, mostly staring at the ceiling. When she heard rustling at the door, she jolted up in panic. Crap, she forgot to lock the door and now she's being burgled. Great, they might kill her and then she'd be free of all these difficult emotions.
But wait.... Is that Emma? She saw the outline of her, and figured it's a kind hallucination to comfort her in grief.
"Sorry, I let myself in." Emma said, with a worried frown. Yep, definitely a hallucination.
But just to check, she asked.
"Yes. I figured you needed someone." She stepped closer, rolling a suitcase behind her.
Hallucinations don't normally carry suitcases.
Rikki burst out in tears. She was so grateful for Emma. She didn't think Emma loved her, or cared anymore. Now she didn't know what to think. Emma rushed to her and Rikki didn't even question going right into her arms. She cried on her shoulder. Quite literally. She buried her head in Emma's blonde hair, tears staining the other girl's shirt as she sobbed. Emma held her close and rubbed her back in soothing circles. "It's going to be okay" she whispered over and over. When Rikki had no more tears left, she pulled away to look Emma in the eyes.
She was still confused on why Emma was there.
"Why are you here? And how?" Rikki knew this was blunt, but her mind was too cloudy and she just had to know.
"Well, because I care." Emma said softly. "And I got a last minute flight. Spontaneously." she added.
So Emma really cared. She isn't here just out of pity.
Rikki leaned in to kiss Emma. She brushed her lips softly, but the other didn't respond. Rikki panicked; she must've misread the situation.
"Wha-" she started, confused.
"You're drunk and hurting, Rikki. You'll thank me tomorrow for not letting you do this."
"No! I mean, yes. But no." She was confused on what she was trying to say. But she didn't just kiss Emma because she felt lonely, she wanted to.
"I'm sorry" Emma whispered.
"Can you just hold me till I fall asleep?" Rikki asked, hoping for the other's comfort.
"Of course"
Emma lay on the bed and opened her arms. Rikki crawled into them straight away, like a small child. Emma's heartbeat slowly rocked her to sleep.

Authors note:
Sorry for the slow updates. School has been hectic. If you're still reading, thank you so much.

This love (remma) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora