Chapter 4

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"You're meeting the girls tomorrow right?"
"No, just Emma. Cleo can't fly. Her pregnancy has had a few minor complications so the doctor forbid it."- Rikki tells her dad in a conversational tone, not as if  she's totally freaking out about meeting Emma one on one for the first time in ten years.
"Bless her heart, she was such a sweet little girl. Can't believe she'll be a mother in just a couple of months. They do grow up fast, don't they."- her dad starts getting nostalgic and takes a trip down memory lane, zoning out.

The three mermaids made a pact on their one year friendship anniversary that they would meet back at the Juicnet Café in ten years, no matter where life takes them. At the time it seemed impossible to imagine that they would be scattered around different parts of the globe by then.

"Oh by the way, my job interview is later today, I should probably get ready."- Rikki snaps back from the distant memories and so does her dad.
"Yes, that's great kid! Go wear something punky I'm sure that will appeal to them. Something artsy to show them how artistic you are!"
Rikki had to stop her dad's brainstorming session.
"Dad, that's what my college degree in art is for. Relax, I've been to many job interviews before ."
"Okay, okay."- he said with hands up in a surrendering gesture.
"Bye."- Rikki kissed her father on the temple and she was off.


She got there quick with the motorbike. The old, red bike was still in great shape.
"Hi, I'm Rikki Chadwick. I have an interview with Morgan?"- she more asked than stated this to the neon green haired girl behind the counter.
"Hey, just sit down. Morgan will be with you in five."- she smiled and her lip piercing glistened in the light for a moment.


"I got the job! I got the job!"- Rikki cheered as she entered the flat.
"Congratulations! That was super quick!"
"Yes, yes, I know they don't normally offer you jobs on the spot, but I think Morgan really liked me and she wants me to start next Monday!"
"I'm so proud of you!"- at this, Rikki leapt into her father's arms and he hugged her tightly.

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