Chapter 11

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Two weeks later

"Right, that's it I've had enough of your weirdness. We're having a talk." Leo said with hands on his hips like a stern mother.
"Your blocking the screen, move." Emma said with a sulky voice from the couch.
"Em, please talk to me." Leo said now in a softer tone, but still not moving from in front of the TV.
"Okay, fine." with this, Emma pointed the remote at the screen and switched her cheesy romcom off.
Leo sat next to her on the couch and softly pet Calypso who was nestled at Emma's side.
"I'm worried about you, since you came back you've been acting weird and messy which is very un-Emma like."
"Was it that obvious?" Emma said, biting her lip nervously.
"You watched '10 things I hate about you' at least five times in the last two weeks"
"Aaand?" Emma said innocently.
"That's your Im heartbroken movie, I know you." said Leo with a smug smile.
"Yeah okay you are right. When I was home I slept with Rikki and then panicked the next morning and basically screwed up." Emma was annoyed that her best friend knew her so well. Though she had to admit, it felt good to finally tell someone.
"What?!!!!!!! Wasn't she your high school closet crush?!!!" Leo was very excited now.
"Yes... I guess she was."
"I'm so sorry Em. But hey, why don't we go get you a rebound?" Leo was making funny movements with his eyebrows.
"Gee, thanks for offering healthy coping mechanisms, Leo." Emma said sarcastically, but knew she was going to take him up on that offer.
"Great, I can be your wingman! Let's get ready! Oh and which club should we go to? Ah I'm so excited!!" Leo hopped to his feet and seemed ready. Emma wasn't really sure if she was doing this for herself or for Leo. Maybe a bit of both.
"Leo, calm down. You're getting all hyperactive." Emma said, placing a hand on Leo's shoulder.
"Okay okay I'm calm." He most certainly wasn't.
"Calypso ain't the only pussy you'll be playing with tonight!" He shouted with a satisfied grin.
"Not in front of the kids." Emma said playfully and went to cover Calypso's ears, who thought she was getting pet and started purring.
But Leo pulled at her arm and steered her toward her room.
"Let me help with your outfit!!" He pleaded, with his best doe eyes.
"Fine, but make it slutty." Emma said laughing.
"Goes without saying." He opened the wardrobe doors and scanned the neatly organised clothes.
"Hmm..." he tilted his head in concentration then suddenly as if having an epiphany started throwing different clothing items on Emma's bed until he had a towering pile of things he was satisfied with.
They ended up choosing a little black dress that Emma wore two years ago for halloween when she dressed up as Audrey Hepburn. It was a little too short for formal occasions so she forgot she had it.

The music was so loud she could feel each beat shake her body. The bar was crowded and there was a faint smell of alcohol and sweat from the dancing people.
"Come on, you need to loosen up!"- Leo shouted into Emma's ear. He grabbed Emma's hand a pulled her towards the bar, confidently bulldozing through the crowd of people. His warm hand was comforting and steadied Emma's cartwheeling stomach. She hasn't been in a bar in ages.
"Two gin and tonics please!" Leo leaned across the bar so that the bartender could hear him. They sat down on two neighbouring bar stools but Emma was still gripping Leo's hand.
"Relax, you've got this!" he whisper-shouted. "Besides, you're cutting off the circulation in my hand" he laughed.
"Sorry" she let go of his hand and was now gripping her glass instead. She swirled the drink, watching the ice cubes float around.
"You look amazing. Now stop frowning, you look constipated." Leo reached over and tried smooth out Emma's forehead. This left them both laughing at the silly gesture.

Leo nodded to Emma's right. "Look, that brunette has been staring at you for the past five minutes. She's checking you out!"
Emma subtly glanced at the woman who as a reply smiled at her.
"I don't know, Leo... She's not really my type." No one felt like her type these days. She couldn't seem to think of anyone else but Rikki.
"Whaaat are you kidding me? Gorgeous wavy hair, femme with an edgy vibe? That's exactly your type."
Emma looked at the woman again. She was quite pretty, Emma thought. She had long brown hair, soft eyes and a button nose, which contrasted with the bright green tank top and leather jacket she was wearing. She had shiny docs and cuffed jeans ripped at the knees. Emma was staring. She really was pretty. Not as pretty as Rikki, but hey, no one was. Maybe Emma was staring for too long, prompting the woman to get up and walk towards Emma.
"Hey, can I get you a drink?" the woman said in a low voice.
Emma quickly knocked back the rest of her gin and then said "Yes"
Leo took this as his queue to leave and before whispering to Emma a quick "Good luck" he got up and bounced over to the dance floor.

Emma and the woman (who turned out to be called Sara) talked for a long while. Emma's vision felt cloudy from the drinks, especially since she hadn't had alcohol in a while. I'm going to regret this. But she was hurting so much, she couldn't seem to help herself. She just wanted to forget the whole Rikki business.
So when Sara took her back to her apartment, Emma gladly threw herself at her. Her judgment wasn't the best that night, but she didn't care about the consequences. Sara seemed happy enough with the outcome as they drunkenly embraced and clumsily fumbled with zippers and buttons to get rid of their clothing. If Emma closed her eyes and thought hard enough, she could imagine it was Rikki touching her, not a complete stranger.
She thought of Rikki's curly hair and her citrusy perfume, the way she kissed Emma's neck and knew what Emma wanted even without her having to say anything.
As she drifted off to sleep, the only thing occupying her mind was Rikki. Rikki Chadwick.

Authors note:
Sorry it's been so long! School work was distracting me... but hey, here we are with a new chapter! Hope you like it.
Much love,

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