Chapter Thirteen

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I nodded and bit my lip. My stomach flipped as I agreed to come over to her and Kay. Harper gave off that vibe where she was the type of person who wanted to know every little detail of your life.

"If she asks you something you don't want to talk about or answer, don't feel pressured to answer," Cora whispered, interrupting my thoughts and confirming my suspicions about what was about to proceed. "Harper means well, she really does, but sometimes she just doesn't know when enough is enough." She added softly.

I nodded. "Won't she feel offended if I say I don't want to talk about something or don't want to give an answer?" I asked, worried about how Harper would react.

"No, of course not. Ally, hun, don't worry about offending her. You shouldn't have to answer anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, and if she says something and it looks like you are struggling, I'll have your back. I'll change the subject, okay? I don't know a lot about your past, but I know enough that confrontation like this gets to you, I understand. " Cora assured with a reassuring smile. "I have your back girl."

I nodded. "Thank you," I replied softly. I took a deep breath and Cora squeezed my arm in support as we walked over to them.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. I chanted in my head as we walked. Cora has my back.

"So Ally, where did you live before here?" Harper asked as I sat down on her left. She rested an elbow on her knee and placed her chin in her hand, her brown eyes meeting my green ones.

"Um... I lived up on the Coast, just out of New York." I answered, dropping my head and looking at my hands, playing with the ring that had on my pointer finger.

"Oh my gosh, that is so cool." She replied, her voice showing her enthusiasm. "I have always wanted to go there, to do lots of shopping, walk through Central Park, and visit the sites of Gossip Girl. I also want to see Broadway live. I really want to live there one day, have my own little apartment in Manhattan." She giggled and I looked over at Cora who was sitting on the sand facing us with her back to the fire and raised my eyebrow. How does she talk so fast and not need to take a breather? "I actually think my Aunt on my dad's side lives up there with her partner. Did you like it there? Did you get to do lots of shopping? What was your favourite place?"

"Oh,, I only lived there for a little bit, so I didn't get to explore the city much. I did see the Empire State Building, though, that was cool, I guess."

"Oh! So you lived with another family before your last one?" She asked looking at me curiously. "Wait, how many families have you lived with then?" She added, a smile appearing on her face.

I froze and looked at Cora. Anxiety building up within me.

I didn't want to answer her question. I understood that everyone knew I was a foster child as I wasn't Mrs. Webber's first, but I didn't want everyone to know how many homes I had been in, especially as I didn't feel comfortable sharing that information. It would just lead to pity and sorrow which I don't want. I don't want people to know how horrible my life has been. I don't want people to judge me and assume that since no one wanted me that I'm a horrible person. Telling people about my past would turn people away from me and they wouldn't accept me.

Cora must have recognised the panicked and uncomfortable expression on my face as I heard Cora, let out a sharp "Harper." which sounded like a hiss. She looked at me in concern and shook her head indicating that I didn't have to answer.

"If it's okay with you, I would rather not talk about that... Please." I answered my voice clear but shaky.

"Pfff, no problem!" She let out a laugh and waved it off with her arm, "Sorry, I sometimes get to be a little..." She paused trying to come up with the word.

"Nosey? Too overbearing? Too much?" Kay interrupted in a joking tone. She placed her phone in her pocket and moved to sit cross-legged beside Cora on the sand. "We love you, Harps, but sometimes you just forget to tone it down."

Harper poked her tongue out and laughed. "Yeah, those are all very true, but you all love me anyway, and Ally, you will end up loving me too once you get used to it."

I laughed at their exchange and nodded. "That's okay, Harper. I just don't really like talking about that."

"It's no problem, Ally," Cora reassured, she looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile, "As Ally has never been to a bonfire before how about we show her how to make s'mores," Cora added.

Kay nodded and jumped up from sitting on the sand. "I will go get the marshmallows and biscuits, I'll be back in a second." She informed motioning with her thumb to the table that held a lot of refreshments and food.

"I'll come with you, I need a drink," Harper added, standing from the log and following Kay. My gaze followed them as they moved away from the fire. I could see Oliver approaching them, stopping them from reaching the table. He started talking to them, his gaze shifting to look at me and then back to them. He is kinda cute. I bit my lip and smiled to myself. Cora moved to sit beside me, stretching her legs out in front of her.

"Ally?" Cora asked gently, I stopped looking at Oliver and turned my head to look at her. "Remember how I told you about Oliver, how I warned you about him just before you started working for Marcus?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

"Please don't forget what I said okay? I know he's good looking and I know that's weird for me to say about my own cousin, but you need to be careful. He will just end up hurting you. You can do so much better."

I reached out my hand and placed it on top of Cora's, squeezing it to reassure her. "It's okay, Cora, you don't need to worry." I could feel Oliver's eyes burning into the side of my face. I shifted my head slightly and my eyes met his and I bit my lip. "He's not my type anyway."

Yeah right.


So, I usually hate it when people post 'I hate this chapter' or 'this isn't very good', but in all honesty, I really feel like that about this chapter. I just couldn't win with it. So I apologise for the crappiness of it.

Next chapter I am bringing something back that I haven't done in a couple of chapters. Kudos to you if you can guess what it is.

Also, a huge thank you for all the support and love I have been receiving about this story. You guys are amazing and I am so glad you are all enjoying it.

Thank you again for reading!

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