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Ted Donner was doing a news broadcast as he was shown sitting behind a table in the GBS Studio. "G.B.S. has confirmed reports that a contingent of the Justice League has broken up a meta-trafficking ring in outer space and has brought home 316 abducted teenagers, most of them now meta-activated." He reported, as the camera switched to show an aerial shot of the outside of the Taos Meta-Human Youth Center, showing the helipad and people standing three tents. The shot was then zoomed in to show that the people were the rescued meta-teens who were with Ed and Eduardo, who were checking on them.

"The Meta-Human Youth Center in Taos, New Mexico, is reportedly overwhelmed by the sudden influx, but is making arrangements to expand its services or open other branches." Ted reported, the camera switching back to show him the studio again.

Western Mongolia: February 15: 09:02 ICT

Vandal Savage was standing in his headquarters, watching the newsbroadcast, with the rest of the Light except for Gretchen Goode, watching the broadcast through the monitors.

"I believe it's now time to put our plan in motion." Luthor stated with a smirk. The Light had decided that it was time to put their plan in motion, especially since Gretchen Goode was no longer part of the Light since she had been ousted after her failed plan that involved using  Nick/Phoenix and Violet Russell to mind control the League and the Team on The Orphanage two weeks ago. Gretchen Goode/Granny Goodness had dealt with by Nick/Phoenix.

House of Mystery: February 14: 17:40 UTC +1

Nick/Phoenix, Zatanna, Tara, and Brion were standing by the Zeta Tube. Nick/Phoenix was wearing the suit a formal black suit, his engagement ring on his right hand, and his wedding ring on his left hand. His hair was slicked back. He also wore black leather shoes. And Zatanna was wearing a short purple dress, matching shoes, mauve purple tights, a purple bracelet on her right wrist, her engagement ring on her right hand, her silver necklace that her husband had given her two years for Valentine's Day, as a way to remember the golem, and her wedding ring on her left hand. She was also wearing earrings, and her hair was in a ponytail, tied together with a dark purple bow. She was also wearing her usual purple lipstick. Brion and Tara were both in their civilian clothes.

Today was Valentine's Day, and Nick/Phoenix and Zatanna were celebrating by having a candle-lit dinner in the House. Asa and John had gone out on a date, and so had Astra and Virgil. Which meant that Nick/Phoenix and Zatanna would be alone, apart from Orchid who would not disturb them. They had decided to not go out because they didn't want their date to be interrupted by fans. And the couple knew that the Outsiders could last one day without them, since Zatanna had become the other den mother for the Outsiders to help her husband, replacing Helga Jace after her betrayal. Nick/Phoenix and Zatanna both knew that Connor was taking Forager to Geranium City, which they had helped to build for the Genomorphs, along with Connor, who had asked for their help six years ago.

Nick had also told Zatanna that he had told M'gann about Harper and Cullen's abuse, and she was happy that M'gann had dealt the situation. He had also gone to New Genesis and had returned Dreamer's Motherbox to her.

Zatanna also had something to tell her husband, and didn't want anything to distract them for her news. She was pregnant, because the condom broke. And also because she had missed her period. Asa had helped her with her pregnancy test this morning, which had confirmed it. And Zatanna was going to use the candle-lit dinner to tell her husband. She had asked Asa not to say anything to anyone, since she wanted to tell Nick first, and Asa had accepted this. Zatanna came out of her thoughts and smiled as she looked at her husband, daughter, and Brion.

Nick smiled. "So, the Markovs will finally be together after so long." He said to his daughter and Brion, who smiled. They were going to the Luthor Grande Hotel in Beverly Hills to see their brother, Gregor Markov, who had wanted to see his siblings, especially Tara since learning about her rescue.

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