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Thanagar: November 03: 23:16 UTC

Clark, Diana, Guy Gardner, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman were at an Nth metal Refinery, which had been attacked by Apokoliptan forces. The Thanagarian commander Hro Talak, was also with them. Guy was using his power ring to shelter them from the planet's weather, by having an big umbrella cover himself, Clark, and Diana.

"I'm not seeing or hearing any survivors under the rubble. And the deceased are all Thanagarian. No Parademons." Clark noticed, as they all saw the bodies of the deceased Thanagarians.

"Parademons?" Talek scoffed, gaining their attention. "There's no evidence this was done by any Apokoliptan ka'kash." He told them as he scanned the area with his tablet.

Guy laughed. "Yeah, the ring won't translate that last word, but, I can tell you what it means." He offered to Clark, as he smirked.

"I got the gist. Thank you." Clark said, clearly not in the mood.

"Commander Talak, this Nth metal refinery fits the profile of other facilities raided by Parademons on several planets." Hawkman reported.

"Yet the attack pattern here is different. I don't see the usual evidence of Parademon weapons fire." Diana admitted.

"And the Javelin detected no trace of Boomtube activity in the area." Hawkwoman added. "I assume your scans confirm the Nth metal stockpiles here have..." She continued.

"Been stolen, yes, Lieutenant Thal." Talek interuppted her. "But the theft of a common element is the least of our concerns." He told them.

"Sir, uh, Nth metal is only common on Thanagar." Hawkwoman reminded him.

"And thus Apokolips checks another rare, raw material off its grocery list." Hawkman added for his wife angrily.

Talek finally turned to the Leaguers. "As I said, Captain Hol, there's no evidence this was an Apokoliptan attack. Our scans have only detected Earthling bio-signs. But fortunately for your friends, not their bio-signs." He informed them, as he looked at Clark, Diana, and Guy.

"You've been scanning us?" Diana asked in surprise.

Guy chuckled slightly. "Smart. Trust no one." He admitted.

"Certainly not Earthlings." Talek said with a scoff.

"Sir, we sent you the evidence. Earth meta-humans are being kidnapped off-planet for use by Apokoliptan forces." Hawkman explained.

"The metas are mind-controlled into violent action. We've seen it." Hawkwoman added, folding her arms over her chest.

"Then perhaps, we should send a Hawkfleet to quarantine Earth's populace, since the task is clearly too difficult for certain officers and their human sidekicks." Talek suggested, giving a small hiss at the end.

Guy grew angry at this. "Don't call us sidekicks." He snarled, holding up his power ring.

"Respectfully," Dian said, giving Guy a stern look before turning back to Talek. "the Justice League has been traveling the galaxy in peaceful cooperation with..." She started to say.

Talek cut her off. "Yes, yes, you've sung this song before, during your first-contact apology tour. You claimed then that you and Lieutenant Thal were mindcontrolled into violent acts on Rimbor. Thanagar is still working to repair our reputation from that." He snapped. "You also claimed that you were mindcontrolled into trying to capture the New God, Phoenix." He added. "And now that Thanagar itself falls victim to human attack, look who shows up to sing a reprise." He said sarcastically.

"Commander..." Hawkman started to say, taking a step forward.

"You're done here. Dismissed." Talek hissed, cutting him off. He then turned and walked away from them.

Red Wizard: Book 3 (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon