Elder Wisdom

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Bwunda: December 31: 09:00 CAT

G. Gordon Godfrey was in the city of Bwundasa. He was doing an interview titled 'The Climate in Bwundasa.' He was interviewing Lex Luthor, because the United Nation were doing a conference in Bwundasa. Standing with Luthor were Garth, ambassador Zviad Baazovi, and a general named, Simon M'Barra, who was in charge of Bwunda.

"No, G. Gordon, we're not holding the United Nation's Climate Conference in Bwundasa simply because my company owns this hotel. I own hotels in many cities, many cities." Luthor told G. Gordon.

G. Gordon pulled the microphone back. "Then why Bwunda, Lex? What's wrong with bringing good ol' boondoggle bucks to the good ol' U.S.A.?" He asked, as he leaned the microphone towards Luthor again.

"Because Bwunda's leader-in-perpetuity, General Simon M'Barra, invited us." Luthor answered, looking at M'Barra, before he looked back at Godfrey. "Global warming affects us all. And with the new year comes a new chance to set the world right. Now, let's get that photo op." He requested.

In the nearby Luthor Grande hotel, a maid and a manservant were moving a trolley through a corridor of rooms. The manservant was a caucasian man, and the maid was a black woman. The manservant was really Nick/Phoenix and the maid was really M'gann. They walked past another room. Inside the room, Troia was talking to Diana, via her laptop.

"You have been away a long time, Diana. Cassie will not say it, but she misses her mentor. I know that she has Nick to train her too, but still." Troia told her as she folded her arms over her chest. She knew that Cassie enjoyed training with her brother. She was happy that she had got to see her brother and sister in law get married. "And do not get me started on Mother." She added with a grumble.

"I know, Troia. But I'm needed out here." Diana said, as she turned to Troia. "And like you said, Cassie still has Red Wizard to help train her. Please tell her and Mother both that I'm thinking of them. Always." Diana requested.

"Of course, sister." Troia assured her with a smile on her face.

"Do you need to get back to the conference?" Diana asked, as Troia stood up.

"Talks do not start until this afternoon." Troia answered, as she approached the window. "And I'm happy to skip another photo op with Luthor." She admitted, putting her hands on her hips as she looked down towards the photo shoot.

"Smiles, everyone, smiles!" Luthor called out in English, before he said some words in the Bwandan language.

Suddenly, darts were launched down towards the group. One of the darts hit Garth in his neck.

"Ambassador!" Luthor called out worriedly, as Garth groaned as he fell to the ground and became unconscious.

A costumed figure approached Troia's room. The figure put their hands on their temples and started using telepathy against Troia. Inside the room, Troia groaned in pain as she grabbed her head.

Suddenly, another costumed figure smashed through the window and kicked Troia onto the sofa and knocking her out.

"Troia? Sister, are you all right?" Diana called out, having heard the commotion. "Troia, answer me!" She called out desperately when she got no response, as the costumed figure stood up and pulled out a sword. The figure looked towards the laptop briefly, before looking at Troia.

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