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The WatchTower: July 4: 21:16 EDT

"This is no time for you to resign." Kaldur said to Dick as they walked out. Nick and Zatanna passed them as they headed for the Grotto.

Dick  stopped and turned to Kaldur. "I'm not resigning, just taking a leave  of absence. Besides, if you need help, You have, Nick." He reminded him.  "And Barbara's more than ready to step up." He added, gesturing to  Barbara, who was working at a holo-screen.

"Agreed. But, Dick..." Kaldur started to say.

Dick looked down. "You, me, Nick, Wally, we founded this Team." He  reminded him. "Without him..." He trailed off as he looked down.

Kaldur sighed. "I understand." He stated, remembering what happened when Tula died.

"Team, report to the mission room." Kaldur ordered over the speakers. The Team soon gathered in the mission room.

"This Team has had successes, but much remains to be done. Superboy,  Miss Martian, Beast Boy, you're Alpha. B'arzz O'oomm has called from  Mars. He needs help." Kaldur told them, before he turned to Nick.  "Wizard, you can join them, if you wish." He offered.

"I will." Nick said with a nod, walking to stand with the rest of Alpha Squad.

Kaldur then looked at Artemis, Bart, Karen, and Mal. "Tigress, Kid  Flash, Bumblebee, Guardian, you're Beta. LexCorp is bringing out the  Reach soft drink under a new name. We need proof." He instructed them.

Dick, who was watching from the doorway, smiled. "Business as usual." He stated, before he walked out.

Markovburg: July 4: 22:16 EEST: Two Years Later

In the Markovburg Children's Hospital, a doctor, Simon Ecks, was speaking to a a young Markovian boy with short brown hair and green eyes.

"I'm sorry, Otto. We couldn't find a transplant.And your sister, Ana..." Ecks said, sighing softly as he placed a hand on Otto's shoulder. "her heart just gave out." He told the Markovian teen.

In another part of the hospital, a gurney was rolling down a hall. The blanket was pulled off to reveal a  a young Markovian girl with brown hair and green eyes. It was, Ana. She grogily tried to reach out.

"Ot...Otto." Ana strained, trying to call out for her brother.

"None of that, now." The man said softly, putting her hand down gently. Ana turned her head, and saw dead bodies that were covered up with blankets. She then became unconscious again. When Ana woke up again, she felt something on the back of her neck, which made her groan in pain.

"Initiating tar protocol." A voice called out, making Ana's eyes widen as she saw Ecks, before she looked down, as tar started filling the pod. She banged the glass, trying to get out.

"Otto!" Ana shouted, before she spoke in her bative tounge. The tar covered her body as she screamed, tears in her eyes.

"Meta-gene activated. Let's see what we've got." Ecks said. The pod opened up, revealing a large red creature.

Rann: July 16: 00:16 UTC

The red creature now stood on a ship with  tall, winged robotic-like creatures, known as Parademons. The Parademons flew out and started attacking Rann. The red creature growled and jumped out, landing on the ground, lava hitting a Rannian soldier in the process, making him scream in pain as he was burned. She crawled out as Adam Strange and Alanna flew up, shooting their guns at the Parademons.

Clark also flew up, holding a tree that he used to destroy more of the Parademons. A Parademon used a Fatherbox to heal another Parademon's arm and weapon.

Red Wizard: Book 3 (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now