Into the Breach

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Gar, Vic, Cassie, Bart, Ed, and Jaime were all sitting in the Bio-Ship. All of them were in their  Gar was sitting in the pilot's seat and he was on his phone texting M'gann.

M'gann had written. "We have a possible lead on Violet's location" followed by "Wish us luck"

Gar replied with "LUCK". He smiled.

Gar knew that Nick/Phoenix was going with the Team on their lead to find Violet. He also knew that Zatanna was ok with her husband going on the mission, since Violet was his sister, and also because Tara was also going on the mission, too. He knew that his brother and sister in law would never let anything happen to their daughter.

"'Luck?' That's all you're gonna say?" Vic asked Gar in a surprised tone, as he looked at him.

Gar looked at Vic. "How did you..." He started to ask before he stopped himself. "Oh. Never mind." He said as he put his phone away, already knowing the answer. "Miss Martian and the Team are following their lead... We'll follow ours." He told his fellow Outsiders.

Bart looked at Gar. "And what is our lead? Why are we here, exactly?" He asked.

Burbank: January 25: 17:16 PST

They were at Goode World Studios.

"Why are we here, exactly?" Bart asked. "Didn't the Team search Granny's studio already?" He reminded them.

Gar looked at Vic. "Vic?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vic sighed. "Okay, for a while now, I've been struggling to figure out the full extent of my cyber-abilities... It all started when I intercepted a text from Violet to Brion." He started to explain, remembering intercepting the text from Violet to Brion.

"You hacked his phone?" Cassie asked in a surprised tone.

"Uh, no." Vic said, shaking his head. "The cybernetic part of my brain just intercepted the text. Things like that would happen at random. I couldn't control it." He admitted, before he looked towards the front. "And back then, I didn't want to. But after my recent Mobius-Tech infusion, I kinda got a handle on this 'gift'." He told them, remembering being clensed by Metron's Mobius Chair. "I can reach out with my mind to anything on the web or the cloud or, well, anything electronic, really. That's how I sensed Motherbox was in danger at Granny's house." He said, remembering sensing Motherbox in danger, along with Phoenix and Violet. "So ever since Tara told us Granny took Violet, I've been searching any and everything related to Gretchen Goode, Granny Goodness or Goode World Studios." He explained.

They all also knew that Granny wanted to use Nick/Phoenix and Violet's powers as part of the Anti-Life Equation

"How's that different from what Oracle's been doing?" Jaime asked, as he was sitting behind Vic with his arms folded over his chest.

Vic glanced at him. "It's not, and it is. Oracle travels the information superhighway. I become the highway itself." He explained.

"Okay, Mr. Highway, what did you find out?" Ed asked.

"Uh, let me see if I can show you." Vic said, reaching his right arm out and opening his palm, causing a red holographic screen to appear, which showed the studio.

The others looked towards Vic with surprised looks on their faces.

"Ooo-kay, since when can you do that?" Cassie asked in a surprised tone.

Vic sighed. "First time. Doing a lot of stuff for the first time these days." He admitted, before he got back on topic. "Anyway, I jacked into the studio's proprietary network, and found this." He said, glancing at Gar before looking back at the screen as he brought up another holographic screen, which showed building 16. "Building Sixteen, a storage facility for props and costumes with no network connectivity at all." He explained.

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