I Got A Crush On You

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*Author's Note*

I understand that my characters all have legendary Pokemon and it may not be fair, but hey, I thought it would be cool :)

Chapter 3

“Come on! No time to lose!” Dana shouted putting on her coat.

It was sunrise in Icerick Town. Dana and Aubrey were setting off to Pastidia City to get to Spring Path.

“We’re at the bus, finally,” Aubrey said out of breath. They boarded the bus and the bus sped off. Dana timed the bus and figured it would take at least one and half hours to get to Pastidia. Dana and Aubrey went straight to Acuti Lakefront. Off to the side was a path called Spring Path. (Why, I don’t know it looks like Scary Path to me) When they crossed the grassy plain, Aubrey heard something.

“What is it, Aubrey?” Dana asked.

“I thought I heard a noise from inside the cave,” Aubrey told Dana, “It sounded like a cry for help. I think we should go inside.”

“Okay,” Dana answered.

Dana and Aubrey went into the cave. It was dark and Zubat were flying everywhere. The cry for help that Aubrey heard got louder every step they took. Finally, Dana and Aubrey got to the place where the cry was heard. Giratina was standing in front of a man and a Lucario.

“Giratina is in here! That man and the Lucario need our help!” Aubrey told Dana.

“Ok, Mewtwo, we need your help!” Dana called out and threw a Poke ball. Mewtwo came out of the Poke ball, ready to battle. Mewtwo stood five feet tall and was a purple-pinkish all over.

“Regigigas, we need your help too!” Aubrey called and threw a Poke ball too. Regigigas stood seven feet tall and was white with what looked like buttons on it.

“Mewtwo, use Hyper Beam!” Dana called.

Regigigas, you too!” Aubrey called.

Mewtwo and Regigigas held an orange beam and aimed at Giratina. Giratina took the surprise attack and used Shadow Ball.

“Mewtwo dodge and use Psybeam!”

Mewtwo jumped high and sent a colorful beam toward Giratina. Giratina vanished instantly. Regigigas saw the shadow of Giratina and used Ancient Power quickly. Giratina appeared again and roared in pain. It wouldn’t give up. Giratina shot a powerful Dragon Breath at Regigigas. Regigigas fell to the ground and fainted.

“Regigigas return,” Aubrey said, sadly.

“You’ll pay for that! Mewtwo! Copy that!” Dana ordered. A white light surrounded Mewtwo and it shot a Dragon Breath at Giratina. Giratina roared terribly loud. At last, Giratina fainted.

“Finally, we won,” Aubrey said, “sorry Regigigas wasn’t up for battle,”

“That’s okay, Regigigas did great! You must have trained it hard!” Dana told her.

“Muah-hah-hah-hah! Thanks for battling Giratina! Now we can take Lucario where it belongs!” a woman’s voice said, “and its little friend too.”

Dana and Aubrey turned around. In front of them was a huge mechanical machine, big as a skyscraper, hurdling toward them. The man and the Lucario were in a glass container pounding on the glass trying to get out.

“Team Rocket!” Aubrey and Dana said.

“Hey, you didn’t even give us a chance to say the motto!” a man with purple hair said.

“Quiet James! Meowth stop looking at yourself in the mirror!” a woman shouted.

“Would you quit shouting orders, Jess?” Meowth whispered to himself.

“I’ve had enough of this. Celebi, standby for battle!” Danielle threw a Pokeball.

“Cresselia, come on out!” Aubrey

Celebi was a green teardrop-shaped Pokemon with antennae on its head. Cresselia was a pale blue and floated in mid-air. They were both ready for action.

“Celebi, Magical Leaf!” Dana said. Colorful leaves flew from Celebi’s body.

“Cresselia, Thunder!” Aubrey said. A bolt of lightning struck the machine.

“Mayday! Mayday! We’re under attack!” Meowth yelled as the machine rocked back and forth.

“I thought this machine was attack-proof!” Jessie yelled at Meowth.

The machine fell to the ground. The seats of the machine ejected. Jessie, James, Bob, and Meowth flew through the cave’s wall.

“I’ll get a Lucario yet! And you two girls too,” Bob the Stealer said.

“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Team Rocket yelled. (Ding)

“Finally they’re out of our sight,” Aubrey said. There was a grunt in the distance.

“I almost forgot! That man and the Lucario need us!” Dana exclaimed.

Dana and Aubrey raced over to help the man and the Lucario. The man had navy blue hair and a hat similar to Sir Aaron’s. Lucario was well, Lucario.

“Are you okay?! I’m so sorry this happened to you! We should have been faster,” Dana said.

“No, no don’t blame yourself. It’s my fault you got into this mess. By the way, I’m Riley. I specialize in Steel type Pokemon,” Riley explained, “I am such a mess.”

“That’s not true, Riley. I get into messes all the time,” Aubrey told Riley, putting her arm around him. He was a full-grown man, but Aubrey knew how to cheer anyone up.

“Thanks. Hey, Dana, you’re next in line, aren’t you? I know it.” Riley said to Dana.

Dana was very confused. That’s the second time she had been told that, and she still didn’t know what it meant!

“Uh, yeah, I guess,” Dana finally blurted out.

“Well, I must be on my way to Snowsharp Temple. Regigigas isn’t there, so we can hold the transformation there,” Riley told the two.

Why won’t they tell me about this transformation thing??!!! I don’t what it means! Dana thought.

“Riley! Wait up!” Dana ran after him. She was finally going to know.

“Yes, Dana,” Riley said. He pronounced her name so distinctly.

“C-Could you tell me what the next in line thing i-is?” Dana said. He was very handsome up close that Dana was stammering.

“Sure. I have to say I’m really proud of you, Dana. The next in line thing is when someone is next to become the Aura Guardian. And are you okay? You’re shivering,” Riley said to Dana.

“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks for clarifying things for me. You know, Sir Aaron said the same thing to me the other day and I didn’t know what it meant and…” Dana was stopped by Riley’s hypnotic blue eyes.

“Dana, I’ve told you what I know. You don’t have to tell me why,” Riley said, hugged her and left to go to Snowsharp Temple. Dana was still standing there.

“Dana! What happened there when you were talking to Riley?” Aubrey ran over.

“Aubrey, I don’t know what came over me. I think I like him. He’s really nice,” Dana answered her.

“It sure looked like it! Now come on, concentrate on getting the last Lucario and you’ll see Riley’s face again,” Aubrey refocused her.

Dana’s heart was thumping and she blushed a crimson red. “Yes, I will,” she was trying to hold back her excitement.

“Ok! So we are going to bike to Lake Verity and see if a Lucario is there, all right?” Aubrey asked her.

From there, Dana and Aubrey stayed at the Lakefront Hotel for the night. All night Dana was thinking about the last Lucario, the next in line thing, and, you guessed it, Riley’s handsome face.

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