Chapter Three - Jingle Bells

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This story takes place in the 1930s. A time where people used racial slurs casually. In this chapter, Min is the subject of a particular Chinese Slur.
I AM NOT IN ANY WAY USING IT TO DISCRIMINATE BUT ONLY TO BE HISTORICALLY ACCURATE. It will be censored but please proceed with caution.


Saturday, December 24th, 1938.
The Richardson residence was gleaming with Christmas spirit. A turntable played Benny Goodman's 1935 "Jingle Bells" single. The house was decorated festively with warm shades of green and red, along with a Christmas tree garnished with shimmering silver and gold tinsel.
The house had intense aromas of the turkey dinner in the oven. Dashi had worked very hard preparing the meal and hoped her guests would like it. It was her first time cooking for this many people.

Dashi walked into the parlour where Barnacles was reading and drinking scotch.
Dashi's hair was messy, and she wore an apron overtop a raggedy blue dress.
She greeted her boyfriend sweetly and said, "Alright, the meal's finished. I can finally relax.
Dashi went to sit on the couch but was stopped when Barnacles said, "Wait- Honey, you're covered in schmutz. Why don't you freshen up before you sit on the chesterfield?"
Dashi was annoyed by the fact that he was more concerned about the couch — or, more accurately, the money it took to buy the couch — than he was about her. She had worked hard that day and was physically exhausted. All she wanted to do was rest for a moment. But she knew he was right; they did pay an awful lot of money for that chesterfield. So Dashi smiled and said, "Yes, Dear."

As Dashi left, Barnacles thought to himself, Even when she's dressed like Raggedy Ann, she's a knockout.

A few minutes later, Dashi returned wearing a flattering red calf-length dress. She was gorgeous. Barnacles smiled and said, "Gosh, Dashi. You look beautiful. Give me a honey cooler." The two kissed, and Dashi planted herself on the couch.
Barnacles got up and poured himself another scotch.
Dashi sighed and said, "Poor Shellington."
Without turning away from pouring his drink, Barnacles said, "What are you on about?" "Shellington. Women are so cruel. I mean, he's relatively handsome, he's sweet and intelligent, yet if he expresses himself and talks about what he loves, women push him away. Just because he is passionate about one specific thing doesn't make him peculiar. Just... quirky."
Barnacles returned to the couch and said before sipping his scotch, "Well, he does come across as a little odd when he's off on a "science tangent." But on top of that... women are pretty evil sometimes."
Dashi shrugged and said, "Honestly, I agree. Girls are terrible. They're always backstabbing and giving each other insincere compliments."
Barnacles raised his glass and said, "Well, here's to men knowing how to get along."
Dashi rolled her eyes at Barnacles's typically passive sexism as the doorbell rang.

"Coming! Coming!"
Dashi said as she ran to answer the door. She opened it and was met with Shellington. "Shellington!" She said as they hugged.
Barnacles came in and greeted him, saying, "McDowell."
Shellington gave Barnacles a nod and said, "Hello, Mr. Richardson." Barnacles smiled and welcomed Shellington into his house. Shellington was a little tense — he was not very good in social situations — but he was happy to be included.

Barnacles was happy to have another man in the house. Women were one thing, but it was refreshing to talk like a guy for once. Maybe this party was going to be fun after all.
Barnacles turned around contentedly and was met with a short Asian woman and an older gentleman. Shellington came over and introduced them, saying, "Oh, Barnacles... I mean... Mr. Richardson, this is my friend Professor Inkling Willingham and his friend Min Zhao."
Min smiled as she said sweetly, "Thank you for inviting us to your home. It's very charming."
Barnacles stood speechless. The woman threw him off. He did not expect an Asian would attend the party. Barnacles nodded blankly and shook their hands. He falsely smiled and said, "Yes, thank you... Merry Christmas."

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